something is in the hair! april 2024, the story of mrs. roper

 . . . . . . and it might not just have been the sound of our music!  

This spring began about as slow as possible as far as the weather was concerned.  And if you know anything about Michigan, you know that the weather has a lot to do with how people celebrate every occasion.  Whether it’s an after-work get-together, and well planned out party, or a spur-of-the-moment happening, the weather will have a great deal to say about it’s success.

My point is that we can put all the dates we want on the schedule, but if it’s cold rainy and dreary, it sure makes it difficult to get folks out to join in.  Luckily, we were part of a few nice days this spring; and enjoyed every moment of them.  Folks sure love the sun when the icy hands of winter finally release their cold grip on their psych.

Bumper’s Landing weathers long Michigan winters better than most, with its regulars holding on to the warm promise of summer, at the bottom of each glass.  They live for it, revel in it, and keep it alive in their hearts. Those are the people we are lucky enough be able to play for.  During those long, cold winter nights, they help us realize that spring is coming, and summer can’t be far away.  One glimpse of the as yet out of reach summer, was when a huge bus stopped in front of Bumper’s and out of it poured fifty clones of Mrs. Roper, the iconic long suffering wife or Mr Roper from Three’s Company, that kooky iconic 70’s show.  They came, they saw, they danced, they dressed alike and they had fun!  Truth be told, so did we!  Anything can happen at Bumper’s Landing, and it usual does; even in the Springtime.  Be Prepared!


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