Once again, as we arrived at The Three Blind Mice Irish Pub in Mt. Clemens, mother nature would play a hand in our evenings’ entertainment. Huge storms were rumored to be coming out of the dark north; so we made the proactive decision to play inside, as apposed to out on the patio.  Although at the time we arrived for set-up, it looked beautiful out there; we knew better. . .   and boy were we right!

The storm DID arrive.

Rain poured and poured outside as trees and buildings were pummeled. However inside, nothing could dampen the spirits of some of the best patrons we have ever experienced.  There were birthday celebrations; tearful good-byes for cherished co-workers; as well as several friends and families that just wanted to go out and enjoy their evenings.  All good.

As the wind and rain howled outside, Carl and I howled inside.  The result was an evening that although wasn’t wall-to-wall people, focused more on quality and not quantity.

Every night can’t be a wild party; and this night was a lot like that.

Even the talented band upstairs, UNDER THE COVERS while blasting out great dance music; had their night somewhat hindered by the storm as well.  People just didn’t want to venture out after that storm slammed through.

To tell you the truth . . .   we understand.  And on those night when it is a little slower, it allows us to play more intimate music for the ones that truly make it special.



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