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The Amazing Cockroaches’ Swan Song

Entertainment czars are all a-twitter with the news that one of LA’s hottest producers is rumored to be flying in to town to catch Bob and Carl at the new venue-of-choice in Michigan, The Three Blind Mice Irish Pub.

Legendary singer, producer and front man for the iconic 80′s super-group, The Cockroaches, reportedly will whisk into town to put his seal of approval on the new entertainment digs, just outside of Detroit. The word is, that Eric will be scouting an out-of-the way venue for the long rumored Brad Savage & The Incredible Cockroaches reunion that may or may not be in the works.

Mr. Swan, who’s feet never seem to grow anything green, has been jetting the four corners of the globe in search of the right place to crank up the amps once more. (possibly for a local charity). His sights, just may be set on the Three Blind Mice.

One thing we DO know for sure, is that whenever Eric Swan arrives, amazing things follow. So lock up your women; keep a microphone at the ready; a cool drink at arms length; and plenty of crime scene tape in stock.

The Three Blind Mice just might see the light!