Last night was akin to two separate gigs. A birthday party and a show. Yep, its always something different at Bumper’s, that’s for sure.
When Carl and I arrived at Bumper’s, it was clear that something was going on. There always is.
On this almost fall evening, that something was a fortieth birthday party.
Surrounded by her friends and family, this young lady had picked a great place to have a get together. The sun was out and the wind was subdued enough to paint the perfect picture of a forty-something birthday.
Bumper’s was rocking early, since we began things with even more gusto than usual. Playing the usual boat music seemed like a great way to start; so we did.
We trotted out our old friends: Buffett, Chesney and Brooks. The dancing began and didn’t stop until the party took a drink/eat/smile break later into the next set.
Very happy people, these folks. Even though they were in the forty range, they still seemed to love the music that we were sharing with them; and acknowledged the fact to our delight.
Outside, it was still cool and getting cooler, as the second set of music echoed over the river. The sun now in full retreat warned us to think about moving the party inside for the remained of the night. That is just what we did.
As the birthday party wained, the house party was just getting under weigh.
Moving inside provided the best way to continue the party that began when we first arrived. A little less river, but a lot more warmer.
Nestled into the corner near the bar, we began the second part of our night, playing more party favorites and the musical variety that was the corner stone of our entertaining.
We try and play a little of all types of popular music. Country, pop, oldies, rock and island music. It works. We get many people letting us know that they hear one of their favorites whenever we play.
So with that tenant in mind, we launched into the third set, playing some country rock and oldies. We love the new atmosphere at Bumper’s inside, since it has been remodeled. The people are close enough to us to be able to feel that they are actually members of the band. And yet, we don’t have to play them!
Gathering requests during our last break, we knew what direction to head for our final half hour. They wanted to sing along to all of the classics. Why not?
We ended the night with just one of those songs: American Pie.
The crowd responded in unison, as they recognized how precious each summer night was becoming. They were all-in to the last.
It was two different gigs for the price of one. We enjoyed them both.
Bumper’s is never dull, that’s for sure.
We show up, set up and hold on. And on some special nights, we even set up twice.