
It certainly felt like it, on wonderful November Saturday evening at Bumper’s Landing.  Everywhere you looked there were smiles and happy people.  They were singing and dancing and partying until they couldn’t party any more.

That was what we will remember about last Saturday night as we loaded our equipment back into the van, before heading home.

We, pretty much have the whole world in our hands.

When we are entertaining, and everyone is happy and smiling and singing . . .  it doesn’t get too much better than that.  We certainly feel like our job has been accomplished when that happens.

When we arrived earlier that evening, there were already lots of happy people at Bumper’s.  They were celebrating Vince’s birthday.  Why wouldn’t they be happy!

Lots of dancing, lots of partying, lots of fun.  We were enjoying everything.  The food, the drinks, the sights and sounds.  Never dull at Bumper’s!

The football game was also lots of fun.  When the home team is winning, everyone is much happier.  Tonight, both teams won.

The drinks were flowing, the music was echoing throughout the bar, while girls and guys got up to shake a leg.

We threw out some of our best summer-time songs, much to the delight of the patrons on the dance floor.  We also got a chance to play most every request that we were asked to play.

Things got hotter and hotter until the regulars broke out into song of their own: “He’s Got The Whole World In His Hands”

It was truly the highlight of the night; unfortunately, things deteriorated quickly from there.  Everyone was feeling great, and at that point, eager to express themselves and their feelings.

After a brief bit of mayhem, Carl and I shoulder’d our guitars to truly mellow out and restore order for the evening.

It was another great Saturday evening at Bumper’s.  For the most part, everyone had a wonderful time.

We can’t say enough about the incredible staff working here.  They go above and beyond each and every night, for the customers as well as the owner.  Carl and I are continually in awe of how hard and how tenaciously they work.

It will be a few weekend before we return.  However, when we do, we have no doubt that another amazing night awaits us!

After all . . . it will be a Saturday night at Bumper’s Landing!!!
