When the rain comes - June, 2024

Michigan’s enigmatic weather is always to be reckoned with.  We plan, we schedule, we hope, and we wish; but in the end, mother nature has her last laugh.  Well, that’s the way it seems, every time a spring weekend rolls around. Although the weekends have been getting warmer, we still can’t seem to shake the rain or the threatening storms. So, if by chance it wasn’t raining it was cold enough to keep people at bay and home enjoying their other abundant options. 

We did forge on however playing inside at Bumpers Landing and in the bar area inside at The Fifth Tavern. Both places we would normally be outdoors by this time in the year. Once people were there however, they certainly did have a great time and as always.  Or course, without the people, we really have no reason to play our songs. 

Another great thing about the wonderful venues we play at is the amazing staff that helps us configure our entertaining to wherever we are playing. They fit us in, they move the tables, they put smiles on their faces and work just as hard as ever to make everything happen. And they always make us feel welcome .  

June turned out great in the end having been able to entertain many people with our classic songs. I hope you were one of them.

