With the welcome warm temps, blue water and relaxing vacations, also come the dreaded summer lulls at the Three Blind Mice Irish Pub in beautiful, downtown Mt. Clemens, Michigan.

We all know that June, July & August days and nights in Michigan are prized beyond many things.  So when the thermometer says 72 and beyond, it means that people are out and about; doing as much as they can do.

For us, it means that there will be nights like we had last Friday, when patrons filled the patio; but did not venture inside until the sun went down.

All good with Carl and I.

At its’ core, the Three Blind Mice is a gathering place; a musical destination around these parts; where people that love music can go and hear great renditions of their favorite music.  As it should be.

By now the word is out that in here, music is as important at the food and ale.  (well, ok, now I’m exaggerating!).  Well, it’s right up there in the top three!

Since long before the Mice was opened, the three owners’s idea was to bring to Mount Clemens a pub that was much more than we have seen around here for quite some time.

More atmosphere, more service, more drink choices and much, much more music.
So far, so great!  The service brings you back.  Smiling wait-staff who cater to your every table desire.  A menu that excels at selection; and the music . . .   well, the music is a welcome alternative to the hum-drum, worn out Karaoke holes-in-the-walls that sprang up in the last forgettable musical decade.

Go anywhere in the world and tell them that you are from Detroit, and watch their reaction . . .

. . . first thing they do is to take a step back.  (scan you up and down, checking for both guns and or bullet holes).  Then they usually smile and bask in the warm glow of an classic Motown tune!

Michigan music is revered through the world.  The artists, the concerts; the songs.  The are our legacy.  Our calling-card.  Our birthright.

Incredible music has been our export for 50 years now; with no signs of abatement.

So given this heritage, this legacy; when an artist takes the stage in Michigan, they have much to live up to.  Much is expected.  Fortunately, much is delivered.

You can still hear music in most cities and towns.  Good music.

Case in pointe:  Come into the Three Blind Mice, order your favorite adult beverage; sit back and listen.  You will be rewarded with some of the best artistry and showmanship that can be found anywhere.

Since our first night at this venue, we have seen many great groups that posses incredible  talent and musicianship.  A very proud heritage, that has been passed on since the world took notice of more than motor cars in the early sixties.

Each and every night that we perform, it is our “musical” duty to uphold that torch that every artist who came before us has passed on.

On this Friday night that began very slow, we were very fortunate to spend time with some new fans and friends; some from as far away as England.

Editors' Note: the mark of a great pub is where anyone from anywhere can instantly feel at home, just by coming inside!

Its great when it is packed, don’t get me wrong.  However, when it is slower, we are able to spend more time getting to know the patrons that are the entire reason we are here.

We listen to their stories, (we explain why we make some many bad notes . . .), and we hear about their musical heroes and favorite songs.

So on this particular Friday, when the crowd would ebb and surge throughout the night, we were given the opportunity to make many new friends.

We met several great couples, who shared their suggestions on everything from musical anecdotes to cultural witticisms.  (You can really learn a lot when you just take the time to listen.)

We had a very talented woman sit in with us again, and share her wonderful voice with the exuberant crowd.  (Her friends liked it too!)

We met Ron and friends, a program director associated with a local radio station from Bloomfield HiIMG_8796lls, who along with teaching students, has been doing all he can to promote and nurture local musical artists.  Here is Biff Radio, and this is the link to his radio show: Motorcitystatic.


There was even a surprise visit from a friend of ours, whom we have played music with for nearly forty years: The equally legendary Adam Allen.

Adam has played in several bansanctuary-FINALds and shows with us going way back to our early days in Algonac around 1977.

He played with us, then his own band; and even toured with the immortal Badfinger for a time.  He is truly the greatest guitar player we have ever been lucky enough to hear; and still plays locally.As the night drew on, the crowd, (now inside), enjoyed every note.  Finally the last song ended, and Carl and I packed up our guitars for the evening.

Working at the Mice, though rewarding, is truly exhausting.  So it was with much pride and satisfaction that we loaded the equipment into the van, for tomorrow’s performance.

Knowing that once again the musical torch remained burning brightly.


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