It must be summertime, because Carl and I are playing music in Eastpointe.
In fact, we have been playing in Eastpointe, long before it was Eastpointe. Back in the early days, of course, it was East Detroit, and in a park called Kennedy. That is where the whole thing began. Back in the seventies!
We played many years in Kennedy park, and then the whole event moved to Spindler park. We played there for many, many years and may, many songs. Then a few years ago, maybe four, we moved to the current site that we enjoy now.
Well, some of the music has changed. (not all of it), and the smiles and applause certainly hasn’t.
What strikes me about this annual concert, other than the longevity, is how the music transcends the years.
I have mentioned before about the timeless nature of the songs that we play; a real tribute to those legendary performers and songwriters, who crafted music that has truly stood the test of time.
Those songs have entertained and enriched so many people through the years, that it would be nearly impossible to imagine a lifetime without them.
Neal Diamond, Johnny Cash, Glenn Frey, Brian Wilson, Eddie Cochran, Buddy Holly. Just some of the legendary voices that have created the perpetual soundtrack of our lives.
We walk in their shadows as we attempt, each show, to bring their musical vision alive if only for a brief moment. We use their music as a way to convey like thoughts and communicate with our audiences. It is our artistry and their music that makes our performances possible.
We know that, and offer the proper reverence, here.
We truly could not do what we have done for more than forty years without their music fuel that fires our talent.
Last evening in Eastpointe, we called upon artists from nearly seven decades as we shared song after song of reverant Americana. Smiles and applause told us that the people of that wonderful town appreciated what we had done.
We played a whirlwind hour and a half of everything from Motown to young country, and Irish favorites, as the sun transformed the concert patio into an glowing stage.
After the show, we had a chance to thank everyone for being there, as many of the crowd came up to let us know how happy they were with the music selection.
We even had the good fortune to snap a picture with the mayor.
We take great pride in being able to entertain people with our talent. We also try and honor the artists and songwriters who have given us the ability to do just that.
We always try and let the music shine through, if that makes any sense. We try hard to play the music as it was written. As it was intended. As it was created to be heard.
Hopefully, if we keep doing it right, the music will last forever. Just like summer.
Hey, it’s me, just testing this app to see if it works.
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