
Still Good Music

So, one of the great perks of being at a club that is known for music, is . . . the music!  This Friday night we were lucky enough to get to listen to one of the premier dance bands in the state.  Still Rain was in the house; and shaken’ it down good!

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Friday’s Friends

IMG_2062 IMG_2061 IMG_2056 IMG_2055 IMG_2053 IMG_2051 IMG_2046 IMG_2045 IMG_2044         Every Friday night at the Three Blind Mice, the door open up, and we have the opportunity to meet and share an evening with new friends. Upstairs, FORMULA entertained to a full house, while downstairs, the vibe was completely different.  Carl was weaving his tapestry of tasty folkie favorites.  If you didn’t hear yours, it only means that you didn’t listen long enough. Stop by next time, and we’ll show you what we mean . . . Rb. . .

Cusp O’ Summer

Friday at the Mice, began which a whisper; and ended with a roar, as our night took a roller-coaster ride through every different type of music one could imagine. Irish, country, folk, rock and pop were heard as patrons got their fill of each and every genre.

Its a tribute to our craft, when we are able to meet people ready to leave as we begin playing at eight; but end up staying until midnight, because they are having such an amazing night. Nothing is more rewarding, than when we can make music come alive again to entertain new fans. We are glad they came. We are glad they stayed, and even more happy to see them return; smiling as they renew old aquaintences.

This Friday night upstairs was The Brad Company Band. We try and stop up to listen every night we play, and it is always a pleasure to hear talented musicians, interpreting a musical classic in their own way.

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Entry #1

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Remembering April

So with everything going on, (and a little website problem), April has virtually slipped past us without even an acknowledgment on our part. “How can this be?”, you ask? well, it be. Looking back, I can honestly say that we had a lot of great times in April, playing and connecting with people at the three Blind Mice Irish Pub.

We even played a birthday party for a great friend and his relatives; so how could it get any better than that. First up, was our Friday night on April 1st. I have been trying to capture each night with photos of all the wonderful people and their smiles as each night unfolds. I apologize in advance if we have missed anyone.

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St. Paddy’s Night

We had begun on Friday at the Three Blind Mice Irish Pub: A seven performance weekend of Irish songs and entertainment. It was only fitting that we should end there as well.
Tired but upbeat, we set up around 6:00, and began our last five hours of Irish hits. To say that the crowd was “into it” was an understatement. After all, it was the very first St. Patrick’s celebration for the newest Irish Pub in the state. To say that they held anything back would be a lie. There was a series of tents and bands outside, ALL weekend, as well as a plethora of DJ’s upstairs, spinning the vinyl. We were lucky enough to catch a song or two from the wild Bill Grogan’s Goat. Downstairs we held court in our home-away-from-home in front of the whiskey barrels.

For this engagement, we even used a different instrumentation: We went electric, using the drum machine and the bass pedals. It was the best way to conserve some very needed energy after four straight days and 18 hours of playing.

All went well as the very first St. Paddy’s at the Mice was a huge success. Only problem they will have now, is how to top it next year!

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Clancy’s song

Back at Clancy’s Irish Pub by 1:00, and the crowd had swollen in both size and strength. Cole Cannon, a three piece group was keeping them at bay until we returned, and now was the time to finish what we began on Saturday night.

However, as we played our first of four more sets at the pub, there was much more entertainment ahead for the thirsty revelers.

A young man wowed the patrons with his Modern Manipulations, fire performance. Juggling and otherwise consorting with two frisky fireballs on a leash, as it were. Amazing!

We played another set. And, just like that, there was more entertainment to be had; as the Emerald Isle Dance Society presented a performance by the Goggin-Carroll school of Irish dance. They have danced for several years now on St. Paddy’s day at Clancy’s. Its almost like we have watched a few of the kids grow up right before our eyes. They just get better and better. And now we hear that they have world champion dancers in their group!

After playing our last set; we bid fare-well to Clancy’s. But not before we heard the mournful sounds of some deftly played bagpipes. A fitting end to our time there.

We finished playing, said good-bye to the green eyed partiers and packed our gear up so that we could embark on the last leg of our St. Patrick’s weekend . . .

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St. Patrick’s Day Begins

IMG_0860 IMG_0862 IMG_0863 IMG_0865 IMG_0866 IMG_0867The big day began for us at Clancy’s, to the delight of those hearty, early-morning revelers. 7:30 Am, and the Irish pub was already pulsing with green delight. They came dressed in every possible way of expressing their Irish flair. Glowing, pulsing glasses. Huge hats, skirts and swag of all description. The music began and so did the sing-alongs.
Our day started at an easy pace. Everyone content to ease into the holiday, while sharing, a song, an adult beverage and some people watching.

We played, from 7:30 until about 9:10. It was then that we moved our equipment out of the way, so that another band could entertain the growing crowd. Cole Cannon took the stage so that we could exit for the next part of our huge day . . . .

Whiskey On A Sunday?

IMG_0856 IMG_0857 IMG_0858 IMG_0859Nothing says a Sunday, Bob and Carl, Irish show like a wee pull at the whiskey jar. Something about Irish music just makes it taste that much sweeter. (Not the music, the whiskey!)
Back again for another show at Clancy’s Irish Pub. Playing from 5:00 to 8:00 Pm on a Sunday was a perfect way to ease into the big day for real. People showed up to support us, as sometimes we can get a little “tired” halfway through the weekend. Not tonight, as every note was met with great delight and enjoyment.

Clancy’s, Saturday Night

Our huge St. Paddy’s weekend took right off where we left it on Friday, when Carl and I re-convened the show at Clancy’s Irish Pub in Clinton Twp. Clancy’s Irish Pub is where we have played on St. Patrick’s Day, morning for over ten years now. We generally start around 7, and play until 2 Pm. This year, since St. Pat’s is on a Monday, pretty much, the entire weekend will be a party. So here we are on Saturday, plugging along with our second show.

The crowd was very pleasant throughout the entire show; with plenty of requests and applause, to follow each Irish tune we offered. All in all, we had a very good time; meeting new people that will hopefully be fans we shall have the honor of entertaining for years to come.