St. Paddy’s Weekend Begins!
St. Paddy’s weekend, 2014 has officially begun!
There is no stopping the happy revelers so far, as this cruel winter seems to be finally letting up. Fans were out in good numbers, as the “Wearin’ O’ The Green!” kicked off on Friday with our show at the Three Blind Mice Irish Pub in Mount Clemens, Michigan.
People were already in the Celtic spirit as we shared another of those incredible nights we have almost come to expect at the “jewel of Mt. Clemens”, the Three Blind Mice.
Everyone was singing and cheering to nearly every Irish tune we would play, as our long Irish weekend clicked into full gear. Still Rain held court upstairs, as we entertained downstairs. This lucky patrons who shared their evening with us, got a chance to enjoy both types of music.
So, it’s on to Saturday, as the Irish music really takes hold of us!