Summertime in Shelby would not be summer without the annual Shelby Art Fair.  It is the annual celebration, fund-raiser and salute to the arts, that has been held for so many years now.

I believe that the last time we played the art fair was a few years ago, as strolling musicians.  We walked the sidewalks and grounds, singing and playing for two afternoons in the sun.  It is a great way to play, but very difficult.  No sound reinforcement; no sitting or relaxing, and no help from the stage or setting.  We just walked and played, for a three hours at a time.

This year, we were playing the big stage.

We played both Saturday and Sunday on the big stage under the main pavilion. As part of the many musical acts to entertain the strolling art patrons and exhibitioners.

Sandwiched between two acts on Saturday, we played acoustically to lots contented patrons of art and crafts.

Before us was a very, very talented group called Rick & Dayna, with the special musical talents of Marshall, on the mic.  What a great band they were!  We enjoyed each and every song that they played.  Great variety, great musicianship and great people.

After us, another very talented band wowed everyone at the fair – The Square Pegz Band.  An 80’s tribute band.  Lots of people, lots of talents, lots of girls in the band!

We thought that it would be the perfect compliment to the 80’s rock and pop/nostalgia sounds of those other bands, by playing acoustically.

We really enjoy getting the chance to play other music in our repertoire on occasion.  And, this is just one such occasion.

People meandering throughout the fair grounds, drinking in the art all around them.  Sunshine and blues skies, happy, relaxing tunes on a summer day.  Nothing better in the entire world.  Just being with the person that your really care about, and you are all set!

Sunday was just as magical, if even more so.  We were a bit more settled and relaxed, as we didn’t have three bands coming and or going around us as we performed.

All in all, it was one of the most enjoyable, summer shows we have played in the past; with this year being no exception.

So great to see and meet the many people that enjoyed the show.  The people from the park were very happy with us; and already invited us back for next year.

We are already looking forward to it.

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