
Great Day For A White Wedding!

Hey little sister what have you done?
Hey little sister who’s the only one?
Hey little sister who’s your superman?
Hey little sister who’s the one you want?
Hey little sister shot gun!

It’s a nice day to start again.
It’s a nice day for a white wedding.
It’s a nice day to start again.

When two amazing people find each other; somewhere in the world, there is just a little more happiness.

Understand, there are so many pathways, so many twists and turns to our lives.  So many choices that could lead us down long dark roads, or if we are very lucky to the destination we have always dreamed we’d find.

There is no absolute way of knowing if our choices are right until the end.  And by then, it is a little too late.

So why not take that uncertain journey with the one person you love?  That way, no matter where you end up, your affection for each other will make you feel like you are home.

After being around them for only a short time, I have no doubts that together, is where these two were always meant to be.

Two wonderful people destined to create their own happiness no matter where they roam.

More than a year earlier, Carl and I got to know the groom at one of our shows as we hit it off right away.  Being from Germany, his appreciation of our music was evident as we talked about the musical influences that interacted between the two musically different countries.

That appreciation evolved into him asking us if we would entertain at his wedding.  We were honored.

We have actually done many weddings over the years.  In fact, we played them regularly for about ten years, early on with The Boys.

Weddings are quite interesting, to be sure.

I find that they are a microcosm of what can be expected of their lives together.  Couples that share in the details and effort, usually share in the details and effort of their marriage; to their eventual benefit.

While at the other end of the spectrum, you see the groom drunk, showing off and hanging with his buddies, foretelling of his casual involvement in the relationship that is already doomed.

What Carl and I observed on this joyous day was a strong man and woman, working together to make certain that everyone else at their wedding was have a wonderful time.

Everything they did was designed to create an atmosphere of happiness and enjoyment that laid the foundation of a future together of caring, sharing and contentment.

We knew from the onset that working with Rolf would be enjoyable.  His management style was laid-back and casual, letting us do what we do best; entertain.

Already in full swing as we arrived to set up, there were family friends taking the role of DJ, charged with the important task of getting the party off the ground.

We could tell instantly how much fun it was going to be, as everyone we met was already immersed in the happy glow of nuptial bliss.  Everywhere we looked, there were smiles and laughter, dancing and chatting.  The good times had already begun for this lucky couple, while those they invited, were already basking in the residual “happiness effect” they exuded.

There was food aplenty. Delicate desserts, joyous alcohol and enough special touches and amenities that no one had even the remotest opportunity to not enjoy themselves.

We played some special wedding songs, and eventually turned things over to the boisterous DJs.

The dancing began to really take off.

In the end, weddings are all about the stars of the show; the bride and groom.

They alone are its only true measure of success or failure.  We can attend and watch, play music or join right in the Conga line; but in the end, it won’t make a huge bit of difference.

Time is a great judge of compatibility.  And love is the measure of all things lasting.

Today was a wonderful day for them both.  A great day for a white wedding.



Hey little sister what have you done?
Hey little sister who’s the only one?
Hey little sister who’s your superman?
Hey little sister who’s the one you want?
Hey little sister shot gun!

It’s a nice day to start again.
It’s a nice day for a white wedding.
It’s a nice day to start again.

Hey little sister who is it you’re with?
Hey little sister what’s your vice and wish?
Hey little sister shot gun (oh yeah)
Hey little sister who’s your superman?
Hey little sister shot gun!

It’s a nice day to start again (come on)
It’s a nice day for a white wedding
It’s a nice day to start again.

(Pick it up)

Take me back home

Hey little sister what have you done?
Hey little sister who’s the only one?
I’ve been away for so long (so long)
I’ve been away for so long (so long)
I let you go for so long

It’s a nice day to start again (come on)
It’s a nice day for a white wedding
It’s a nice day to start again.

There is nothin’ fair in this world
There is nothin’ safe in this world
And there’s nothin’ sure in this world
And there’s nothin’ pure in this world
Look for something left in this world
Start again

Come on
It’s a nice day for a white wedding
It’s a nice day to start again.
It’s a nice day to start again.
It’s a nice day to start again

What A Country! Club

At a country club in August!  Few things could be better.

Sometimes we are just so appreciative when wonderful opportunities like this allow us to be part of some amazing events that we would otherwise never experience.

When entertaining at The Country Club Of Lansing, there are so many things that we could be thankful for.  The nice staff that welcomed us as we arrived.  The beautiful landscape that framed the entire experience, or the wonderful people we were lucky enough to be able to share our music with.

Actually, its all the above!

Being able to drive right up to the tent to unload made things simple and easy.  (reminds me of us.  I’m simple and Carl is easy!). Anyway, setting up was easy and gave us time to explore the grounds a little bit before we played.

The clubhouse was amazing; old school but immaculate and impressive.  The course looked incredible, as the fairways appeared as though you could putt of of them.

Good wow!

Time to play, and even that was easy, as we had a chance to talk to some members who had great opinions of what music we should share.

The nights’ theme was Date Night, so it gave us a direction to head into, musically.  Tonight was going to be filled with music, more romantic than usual.

Ah, to be on the dance floor, holding the one you love!

Having played there already this summer, the members all knew what to expect from us.   A few of them had requests ready to go as the night evolved from romance to passion!

Eventually we turned up the beat and the people responded.

Only playing three hours sometimes makes the evening fly by, and tonight was one of those nights.  It seems like we are just getting into the groove, and its time to pack everything back up and head home.

Playing at The Country Club Of Lansing was one of the true highlights of this entire summer.  Even the ride up and back was enjoyable.

We certainly hope to be back again next year for more of everything.


They’re Back!

You know when you have that best friend, and you can literally be apart for like, years, and then you see them again, and it feels like you haven’t even been apart for more than a day?

Well, Bumper’s Landing is kinda like that.

Although Carl and I have been playing there every summer for years, we have never been so glad to be back.

Probably something about the normalcy of it all.

And, although we returned to our old familiar perch on the deck, we could see that there we lots of changes in the air.  While most of the world was hunkering down, hiding and social distancing, Bumper’s was going full speed ahead!  They have added eleven new boat slips and expanded the parking lot for even more customers to enjoy.

In fact, there are even more changes in the works, but they will just have to be surprises at this point.

So, we were not really sure what to expect upon our arrival at Bumper’s.  They had been closed like most other establishments, (only doing take-out), until just a few days before we were scheduled to play.

More importantly than the Covid, the temperature was hovering around the 50’s.  Although boaters are pretty hardy, they sure do love their sunshine.

We were pleasantly surprised when we pulled into the parking lot and saw the cars, filling it.  As it turned out, the inside was full, the patio was three quarters full and the deck was enjoying a good turn-out as well.

The stage was set for our official return.

Starting at 6:00 in the summer, we began with our one usual song too get settled in, but soon were pushing the musical limits and boundaries.

The patrons seemed just as excited to have us back as we were to be there, and they showed us.  The first set was very high-energy and up tempo.  There were even customers dancing.

Ah, its so great to be back!

During our very first break of the summer, we took time to welcome everyone back, and catch up with what was important in their lives.  (You know, catching up with old friends!)

The second and third sets seemed the right time to get everyone’s request list addressed.  LOVE playing people’s favorites and making them happy!

We met a great group of guys from Europe who were working in Michigan.  They stopped by and made things even more enjoyable with their unbridled enthusiasm for live music.

Thanks Michelle for making them feel right at home!

The rest of the evening flew by, as the temperature dropped below fifty.  We pulled up stakes around 10:45 since everyone was inside the bar by then.

Can’t wait to return on Saturday, it promises to be truly epic!

Come see us, you will believe that you have never even left.


Hold My Beer . . .

It seems so long ago, now.  Another lifetime, really.

Our other life, B. C. (Before Corona)

It was before people shunned one another.

When they knew there were dangers in the world, but since they were not new dangers, they really didn’t warrant much attention nor consternation.

All of that changed in the time since.  And, it has changed exponentially.  Consequently,  how we view the world will have changed with it.

Not for long, we all know that.

For no matter what’s new, hot or salacious, it cools quickly and we resume our regularly scheduled lives.

In the mean time, everything’s on hold.  In limbo, out to lunch.

Its seems that we are the same, but everything around us has changed.

I know that its not fair, not easy and maybe even, not right, but, (to use the vernacular of a personal, well-know scholar), “It is what it is!”.

I get that people are angry, scared and want to blame someone or some thing, but that is really not the heart of this issue.  People feel helpless as this passes over them.

And, pass it shall.

Things are gloomy now, and not necessarily because of the health casualties, but like any other “war”, the fallout is what will be devastating.

It is the amazing people of the many bars and restaurants that I am talking about.

We know all too well how hard they work on any given day or night, and now that many of them are not even getting a chance to work at all.  Or earn a paycheck.

Many of them are not even able to do what they do so well, because the businesses that they work at are not able to open.  If you’ve read any of my posts you will know what high esteem I hold these people in.

We arrive, we play, we get the glory and we leave for the night.

Meanwhile these hard working folks are there hours before us and leave even longer after. They toil, they work, they hurt and they grind, all to make the customers satisfied.  (and we all know how easy that is.)

They are the unsung reason that we are able to sing, and they will be hardest hit by any of this.  They have no pensions to fall back on, no 401K and not much of anything other than their undying loyalty to the venues and businesses that employ them.

Carl and I feel for each and every one of them who will be left in the wake.  It is going to be tough on everybody, but especially them.

So here is my message going forward: Please, simply consider them.

Think back about some time you were out and having a wonderful night and consider how it happened.

Was the parking lot clean and well-lit?
Were you greeted when you came through the door by a smiling, caring face?
Did they listen to you, take your order and then check back with you to see if you could be better served?
Did the band check in on you and offer to make your evening special or maybe personal?
Did they respect your conversations and not play too loudly or make it all about them?
Did you feel safe, did someone ask your opinion on your experience?
Did you have a wonderful evening in part because of how well these professional people did their jobs?

Remember that when someone is really good at something, they make it look easy, even when it’s not.

So if you can recall an amazing experience you had going out; think about all of those people that made it happen during this extraordinary event, and do something to help their struggles. Give it back – pay it forward, whatever you wish to call it

Reach out, give back and keep them in your thoughts and prayers, because they are hurting, (and you won’t hear about it).

It may be as simple as telling hem how much you appreciate them.

Look at the smiles on the faces in these pictures below.

These people are not just smiling because I am pointing a camera at them.  They smile because they came to Bumper’s Landing for a night on the town, were treated with respect, care professionalism.

They all had a wonderful time, and may never realize how much hard work and effort went into it; from the bus boy right up to the owner and his family.

It seems like a million years ago now, that people smiled, shook hands and laughed.  If we are to ever get back to those carefree times again, we need to change the way that we act and treat everyone around us.

It will happen.

Believe me when I say that neither the handshake, nor a simple, “Thank you!” will ever go out of style.



A Day In The Life

Dateline: Saturday, February 29, 2020

6:10 Pm, EST
Arrived at Carl’s house to finish loading equipment, get in the van and get ready to travel to the nights’ engagement.  It’s not too cold as the winter is defiantly losing its grip on our geographical area.  Hasn’t been a long, hard winter, but no matter, winter is when everyone hides indoors, and entertainment opportunities are more difficult and fewer to come by

6:20 Pm, EST
We pull out of the driveway and begin to discus the night ahead and status of our upcoming schedule.  All the uncertainty in the world effects the entertainment industry greatly.  If bar and restaurant owners could schedule events knowing how many people to include, life would be so much easier.  However, the reality is, that is not how things work. They don’t know who will be there, and of course cannot know for sure how that applies to hiring entertainers.  For instance, this upcoming St. Paddy’s Day falls on a Tuesday, and as such, no-one knows if it will be well attended or not.  If it’s a warm, sunny day, they will be out in force; however, there is just no way to know.  So much uncertainty.

6:45 Pm, EST
We arrive at Bumper’s Landing.
Bumper’s is thee greatest gig we have ever had.  (and, remember, we have been playing close to fifty years now!). Always fun.  Always exciting; and always unpredictable.  The staff is incredible, the patrons are amazing and the owner always has our back.  This is the dream gig any/every band wants.

7:00 Pm, EST
After getting our bearings and a parking spot, its time to set up.  We walk in, greet our friends and begin the process of moving things around to make room for our gear.  We have to find a spot for the popcorn machine, (or bloody Mary bar, or whatever is being used that day/night) and move the big whiskey barrel so Carl and set up his keyboards.

We move in the gear and place it around our area, (so that we don’t keep opening and closing the door.)  That way people don’t get cold and or too annoyed with us before we can even begin to annoy them with our music.  After everything’s inside, we begin to set up.

I unpack, set up the guitars and put them on the stands, as well as set up the speakers and light boxes.  When I connect my guitar cables and put my chair and bass pedals in place, I am done and ready to load the cases back into the van.

Meanwhile Carl sets up his keyboards, computers and everything together to the main PA.  While I am putting all the cases into the van, he goes through the checklist of powering everything on and making sure it is working and connected.

7:20 Pm, EST
Time to tune up all instruments and set volume levels.  This is by design; time built into our routine in case we have problems or mechanical failures to deal with.  If so, we have about thirty minutes to resolve them and still begin on time.  (This is very important to us.). We are never late and have never missed a job in half of a century of entertaining.

7:30 Pm, EST
With everything up and running, tuned and ready to rock n’ roll, we have a bit of time to change into our performing attire and have a cocktail.  While its nothing fancy or too glam, but we do believe that we need to dress for our audience.  It is important that we show them the same amount of respect they show us by coming in to hear us play.

7:35 Pm, EST
Time to mingle.
We have lots of friends at Bumper’s after being here for five years.  We know the staff and adore them all.  Their work ethic is second to none.  We find great kinship in that since it is one thing that we have always prided ourselves on.  There might be many more talented bands, but no-one works harder than we do.

No one.

With time well spent catching up with everyone’s family, vacations and hopes for the new year, its time to grab a drink and begin the evening, officially.

(Just so you know, we chose Edmund Fitzgerald, porter!)

8:00 Pm, EST
We begin our first set with a theme to make the night even more fun for everyone.  Since we were drinking beer named after the legendary vessel, we thought that we might just do an entire first set that tells that tale of life as a sailor.  We began with Jamaican Farewell, then played Southern Cross, The Gallant Ship and several more songs that stir vivid images of life on the waves.  But while all seafaring’ men are courageous and stout, they will tell you that the stormiest and most treacherous waters are on these here Great Lakes!

8:50 Pm, EST
It is time to sing of the legendary ship: The Edmund Fitzgerald.  It was immortalized by Gordon Lightfoot so many years ago now, it seems as though it is part of our American folklore, and not a real event.  Alas, it is all true, every word.  Carl and I take this ballad seriously as well, as though somehow, if we do not do a good enough job singing it, its’ ghosts would rise up and take our very souls!

More songs follow, but it’s time to sing country, folk, rock and island tunes too.  We finish the first set and take stock of the night left ahead.

9:15 Pm, EST
Our first break is when we get a better chance to find out how everyone is doing.  Our job is not simply to play music, but to address the needs of the crowd.  Only we can make sure that the music that they would like to hear gets played.  To do that, we have to give the patrons an opportunity to let us know what that might be.

Tonight we had friends come back to see us.  Some regulars, some who we only see occasionally, and some who have come from great distances to share their night with us.  It is that connection that makes our entertaining meaningful as well as enjoyable!

9:35 Pm, EST
After time well spent canvasing the crowd for requests, we launched into our second set.  We heard a cry for more Beatles, more country and more of everything!

Each and every song was met with great delight from the appreciative audience.  Halfway in, Dan the singer man arrived.  Looks like we are going to play, For What It’s Worth, by Buffalo Springfield.  We did, and he had his time to shine for his shiny new gal.  Ahhh, L’more!

10:45 Pm, EST
Break Time.
The second break gives us time to meet new people who have just arrived, and are currently giving us a hard time because we are on break.  (Some things never change). They have never heard us, and don’t understand how two guys could be much of a band.  (Well, we’ve got no argument there.)

More requests in the hopper, and more tunes on the way.  Everyone is having a wonderful time tonight.  That is what it’s all about.  The manager, Kim, is taking personal care of our treasured friends who have driven all the way from Alpena to see tonight’s show.  We feel overwhelmed when people show us this level of appreciation.  What a night!

11:00 Pm, EST
The time is upon us to let loose the dogs and start to rock out the night.  Everyone’s ready and in the mood for the classic party songs that signal the end of the evening is drawing near.  Sweet Caroline, Country Roads and Evil Ways, bring the crowd to boil as some dancers begin to cut a rug.

11:30 Pm, EST
We take a short, five minutes break to make sure that we have played all the songs people want to hear.  It’s last call for tunes and time to bring this ship into port.

Wagon wheel, The Dance, Can’t Help Falling In Love and Love The One You’re With, put the finishing touches on another memorable evening near the waters edge.  Remember, the music is the reason.  We just make it happen.

12:15 Am, EST
With a few extra songs, we finish the night.  Smiles were everywhere as the echoes of our last notes reverberate throughout the bar.  People were meandering out, as I bring the cases back inside so that our gear can be loaded one more time.

Carl disconnects everything while I dismantle the speakers, lights and my gear.  After putting the guitars and equipment back into the cases, it is time to load up and say good-night.

12:52 Am, EST
Time to get paid and to let our fans know when we will be back again.  After putting everything back as it was before we arrived (Popcorn machine and barrel), it was time to head out, knowing the patrons were pleased with their evening.

It is important to us to thank the staff for all their hard work as well.  We know all too well how hard they labor doing things above and beyond that no one will ever see or know.  They do it, because it is the right thing to do.  As part of the Bumper’s family, that’s just what you do.

1:30 Am, EST
The Three Blind Mice Irish Pub.  We decided to stop in at The Mice to see some of our friends.  Coming through the door, we were lucky enough to find an entire table of people that we had just played for at Bumper’s.  They were having a nite cap and asked us to join them.  After listening to the solo act, we said our goodbyes and headed back out.

2:15 Am, EST
Time to unload the van and put the gear away for another week.  Some downstairs in the basement, some in the garage.  It’s actually a good way to unwind and talk about how the evening went, and what event was on the horizon.

2:30 Am, EST
Leave Carl’s and head home.  About this time is when I eventually smile quietly to myself, feeling the rewards of a good nights’ work.  We never mind the hard work involved with being entertainers.  We do not take it for granted.  We look around and see so many others that wish they could do what we do, but simply do not posses the talent or opportunities.  Sadly as well, there are some artists that cannot work within the parameters of a scheduled job.  We know we are very lucky.  I guess, it’s easy to sing when you live a charmed life.

3:30 Am, EST
Sleep.  (And nightmares of being on a big ship, in a storm, on the lake they call, Gitche Gumee.)




Any Given Saturday

With football pretty much the only thing on everyone’s minds, we arrived to entertain at Bumper’s Landing on Saturday.  The parking lot was filled and we could already tell that everyone meant business inside.

From the look in their eyes, we knew they were intent on nothing but food, football and fun, (alcoholic fun) this evening.  (And you know we take our football, and alcohol very seriously as a nation.)

Although some things don’t matter, football is king.

So when it’s our night to play music while everyone’s watching a playoff game, Carl and I tend to tread lightly until we can read the mood of the crowd.  Only then will we don our instruments and venture out into what can become, a musical no-man’s land.

Most of the patrons on hand at Bumper’s were pretty jovial it seemed; lit, and into the contest on the big screens.  There was another big birthday party on the patio, with everyone in their own, happy little world.  Most of them content, while honoring a young forty-year-old friend.

We sounded pretty good as we began our first set, cautiously enough.  (That’s always a plus.). Even better, our response from the patrons was favorable and warm.  That gave us the green light to proceed from there with more vintage music.

It’s wonderful that at this point Carl and I know all of the regulars at Bumper’s Landing.

What’s cool too, is that they know us.

They are a pretty friendly people in the first place, but since we have now been entertaining there for years, we feel we have a great relationship with lots of pretty amazing people.

I’m mentioning it because on nights like this, those are some of the very people that make it super fun.  We love getting to know them and sharing our good times together.

Tonight, the bonus was actually having friends in the building when the national weather service was advising people to stay indoors to avoid the impending snowfall.

I need to write it here, so that people know how important that is to us.  Even the boss and his wife were there.

That makes the night even more special.

While the game was the main focus, our music was also integrating well into the evening’s vibe.  They were watching, but not really having a dog in the fight, they were enjoying our music just as much.  (And, dare I say it, even a little more.)

We could tell because after every musical offering we received a nice ovation from the appreciative patrons.

Things were going well on a night when we were not even initially sure if we should have been playing at all.  We were getting great responses from the people, and many ideas on what type of musical direction to advance in next.

While we had our share of poignant song suggestions, Carl and I loved the special Beatles request we received.

For those of you that don’t play, I can tell you that it’s always a challenge to try and play songs not usually in our repertoire.  We did even more than that, we played three Beatles songs we don’t usually do, and turned them into a medley.

The first, was written by John Lennon and always has been one of my favorites.
You Can’t Do That! 
(good advice for anyone wondering why they lost trust in their relationship.).

I got something to say that might ’cause you pain
If I catch you talking to that boy again
I’m gonna let you down
And leave you flat
Because I told you before, oh
You can’t do that

The second offering, Things We Said Today laments how important it is to have someone’s heart devoted to only you.  So that when things become difficult, you can always count on the other person to be there to pick you up.

You say you will love me
If I have to go
You’ll be thinking of me
Somehow I will know

Someday when I’m lonely
Wishing you weren’t so far away
Then I will remember
Things we said today

You say you’ll be mine, girl
‘Til the end of time
These days such a kind girl
Seems so hard to find

Someday when we’re dreaming
Deep in love, not a lot to say
Then we will remember
The things we said today

And lastly, the timeless Beatles classic, In My Life. A reflection of a John’s life well-lived, and of all things that passed through his memory.  Of how nothing was more memorable or important to him than love. 

But of all these friends and lovers
There is no one compares with you
And these memories lose their meaning
When I think of love as something new

Though I know I’ll never lose affection
For people and things that went before
I know I’ll often stop and think about them
In my life, I’ll love you more

Sometimes you know at the exact moment when something happens that you will remember the rest of your life.  It is so powerful it makes a lasting imprint that can never be forgotten.

Tonight was one of those moments.

Feeling wanted and appreciated for our God given talents by wonderful people we cared deeply about, on a night when by all accounts our music was far from the main focus was incredible.

I’ve said I many many times about Bumper’s Landing, we never know what to expect on any given Saturday.  Most times it is the people around us we are lucky enough to be able to entertain, who are creating lasting memories; and sometimes, it is us.

Tonight we were able to pause and take stock of what was truly most important to us.  To reflect on where we have been, how we got there, and where we were bound for next.

Both musically and personally.


A Very Happy New Year

While people want change, they only welcome change that suits them,  makes them happy or works in their favor.

I get that.

So as we embrace the new roaring twenties, we might as well pause for a bit and take stock of what we are giving up.  What are we changing?

There were some positives in 2019 . . .

Musically, we entertained a lot of people.  We connected people with our music and made lots of folks happy.  (That is why we play.). We wouldn’t change that, other than to do it more often or for even more people.

We brought music into the lives of lots of people who enjoyed it, and maybe had never heard some of those songs before.  That alone keeps the legacy of the artists alive and relevant; so that is good.

In 2019 we were lucky enough to be able to bring Christmas joy to over a thousand school children.  That is something that is priceless beyond any scope of measurement.

Apparently we were healthy, (not really wealthy) and not sure if we were any wiser.  All in all, we both felt blessed to have had the musical opportunities we did.

While there were defiantly some positive experiences in 2019, much of it was extremely frustrating.

I’m talking primarily about how people treat other people.

This perpetual erosion of  common decency needs to stop.  The compulsive lying, the personal attacks, the egregious political correctness and the simple lack of respect for others needs to be addressed.

We are hoping that with this coming election, things will get so bad that people will once and for all have had enough and want to do something positive about it.

I said it was a hope, I didn’t say that it was a reality.

Things need to get better, and I am suggesting that music can make that happen.  We promise to do our part.

This last Saturday, we were lucky enough to be able to entertain at Bumper’s Landing.

What a joy!

We love the owner, the staff that patrons and even the thought of going to work there.  Always, fun, always positive and always something different. (In a good way)

Saturday evening was another lesson in simple art of enjoyment.  Ah these boaters know how to do it.  Smiles are the uniform, cordial is the treatment and happy is the demeanor on each and every one of these patrons.

Such an honor and joy to be able to sing for them.

Since the playoffs had arrived, Carl and I waited until the first game concluded before we cranked up the music.

Because the Texans emerged victorious we though it only fitting to begin our set with: All My Exe’s Live in Texas! Halfway through the songs we had enguaged everyone within earshot to sing along.  These are the wonderful times that we will look back on someday.

Our entire first set was quite compelling and aptly appreciated by the entire bar, as voices were heard in unison echoing back our way.

Though the next big game was on, we never stopped leading the patrons on their merry way to music-ville as song after song was met with even greater fervor.

One couple tried hard to leave but our songs kept them anchored to the bar.  It is so nice when people show you how much they appricatebe our hard work and talent.

Just then another group of merry travelers arrived and rattled off several requests to keep us on our toes.  It was the perfect way to get us through the evening, playing song after song back to back.

More dancing and singing followed until we were just about out of time.  At the very last, we played an encore, and then one more song, so that everyone would feel just as special as we know they are.

It was a very enjoyable evening at Bumper’s Landing.  Somehow it always is.  When you are looking for a place to spend the evening, on a winter, spring or summer day, look no further.

This year will be even better than the last.  It’s up to us to make it happen.  Carl and I will do our part, we promise!


Life’s A Party

We celebrate the special moments in our lives.

The birthdays, the weddings, the triumphs and sometimes even the accomplishments of others.  Parents, kids, spouses, friends, co-workers and or strangers gather to celebrate life’s big or even little successes.

We mark the days, the dates and sometimes the missed opportunities.  The anniversaries, the remembrances and especially the chances we have to begin anew.

We celebrate the mere fact of still being alive.

We love to celebrate.

Why not, it’s one of life’s little affirmations of who we were, who we are and who we wish someday to be.  Celebrations mark our years as we reach or labor at attaining our personal milestones.

We celebrate victories no matter how big or small, and sometimes with a furor unmatched by anyone other than an escaped prisoner!

If celebrating is your goal, there is no better place to accomplish it than Bumper’s Landing.  Bring the whole gang, we’ll make them feel right at home with libation, food and song.

Just this last Saturday evening, there was a great party we were a part of with everyone enjoying themselves to the fullest.

The new patio room was in full swing as one young lady had her 50th birthday celebration complete with all of her dear friends.

Even thought the group was moderately sized, they sure took over the place!  Everyone had smiles on their faces as the evening took on a life of its own.

We did our very best to keep up as the music went from listening to singing along to dancing up a storm.  No worries, Carl and I enjoyed each and every part of it.

By then the rest of the place was heavy invested too as the celebration spilled over to the regular folks just trying to have a regular good time.

On nights like these we begin our night playing songs that lay the groundwork for a nice evening.  We begin with more listening songs, but music that hints at the coming of summer and warmer weather.

Although the holidays are right around the corner, there is still and great sense of stress in the air, as people run here and there trying to make every detail of the season come out just right.  We do what we can to lighten the entire mood by going from easy listening music to Funtime party songs,  Tequila,  Kokomo or Runaround Sue just to name a few.

So the night begins slow, usually and then escalates from there depending on the people and their level of direct engagement.  Until, the last part of the night arrives, (along with a fair amount of alcohol), and everyone is all happy-smiles and craziness.

That’s where we do what we can to hold on and do our best to play what people consider “dance music”.

Dance music of course covers a very broad genre of music, from Techno and Trance to Juke, Jive and Disco.  We even get a request or two for a good old fashioned Polka every now and again.

So we cranked out the dance tunes to everyone’s delight and even throw out an encore or two as the clock wound it’s away to the midnight hour

The birthday celebration was a huge success.  Everyone went home feeling good.

We do love to celebrate.  Why not?  There sure are enough bad things going on in the world, why not take note of the ones that will forever be warm memories.

Is it really worth it to you to waste even a day of your life, when you know exactly what will make you happy?

So why not create those memories at Bumper’s Landing.  We’ll help you blow out the candles.



A Holiday Miracle

You know its coming

By now, the season has gripped even the staunchest of Grinches.

Lights and ornaments everywhere, the malls bustling again, and even precious emails bursting at the seems with signs that the holidays are
truly upon us.

Although the stress level is higher than most months, people are still pretty kind and thoughtful this time of the year.  There is defiantly something in the air, and I’m pretty sure it is not the smell of politics or the stench of another Lions losing season.

It is, more than anything, the warmth of the holidays.

There is a different feel, a different understanding, a different vibe in  the air.  It is the time of year that people reflect most on the things that matter the most to them.  A time of Christmas miracles.

Friends, family, loved ones. . .

Values are in vogue through the holidays as well.

People also give deeply this time of the year.  They share their time and talents in ways that will benefit the institutions that they believe in.  Charities, organizations and philanthropic institutions swell and burst with caring individuals, hoping to make a difference.

And, they do.

Each and every glowing light and joyful sound adds to the din of our traditional upbringing, bridging the connection from oldest grandparent to youngest infant.

The joy of the season lives because it is shared and passed on throughout our lifetime.  It is what is most precious to us.  It is what we value and what we desire to pass down to those whom we care most.  How we treat each other through the holidays is what is best about us.

When Carl and I arrive to play, we can actually see the joy on each face.  It is a special time to be lucky enough to entertain during this precious season.

While we realize how distracted people are, with what’s going on in their lives, they still need to relax and de-stress more than ever.  Hopefully our music helps soothe those feelings of angst and disillusionment.

Music does that.  And, more! (A kind of miracle?)

Saturday night at Bumper’s……

The big game was on. (always) There was a holiday party out in the party room, and everything was right with the world.

We began our night with some island music, hopefully setting the mood for more relaxation and renewing.  Each song wafted through the holiday air as if to say . . . “It’ll be all right. We’ll get through this together.”  “Just keep listening . . .”

After the firsts set, it was time to throw in a couple of Christmas songs.  We asked the crowd for their favorites and echoed them right back with maximum holiday fervor.  (When you have everyone singing along, you know for sure that the evening is a success.)

Between the football, the Christmas carols and the pickle shots, you know that something is about to happen.  Well, as everyone and everything became really lit, we finished the night with our tribute to good-time music.

Yep, we pulled out Brown Eyed Girl, Crocodile Rock, I’m A Believer and Sweet Caroline.  

And we were damned proud of it!

It was just what everyone needed; to forget about everything that had to be done and just sing badly!

We made that choice instantly on this lonely December night.  After all, if you had the choice of being happy or sad, which would you choose?

Believe me, all of these choices are our own to make.

Want to chose positive or negative? Ignorance or wisdom?  Healthy or sedentary?  Poor or comfortable?

With the person or persons you truly love, or with people that add no value to your life?

Only we can change our lives in the vision that we desire.  This is the season for miracles.

Our message is this: Stop waiting for it to happen, YOU can be that miracle!


Dateline: Bumper’s Landing, November 16th, 2019

The first thing I would report about this gig was that the crowd was small.

. . . . Small, but mighty!

Mighty happy, mighty friendly and mighty dynamic; they always make our night memorable in some way.

That’s the story here in Harrison Township, just east of Selfridge.

Everyone arrives here eventually during the summer months, but this time of year, it’s a little bit more of a local hang-out then a winter destination.

We’re here, Carl and I, bringing out what we can of the warm weather in music and melody.  There’s something oh so soothing about hearing tropical music when its cold outside.

Something warm and comforting.  (Go on, try it for yourself.  Put on some island music, you’ll understand, Mon ! . . . )

It’s our way of helping people forget their troubles.  The music the food, the alcohol, the melodies . . .  pretty soon, you’re in a totally different frame of mind.

It may be cold, windy or snowing when we arrive at Bumper’s Landing; and yet, when that first melody is heard, the smiles begin to warm up the place, nicely.

We love this place, the staff, the regulars, the entire experience.  It keeps us entertaining.  It keeps us focused and fortunate.

The real takeaway: Bumper’s Landing is always interesting, always exciting and always a good time.

Usually I’ll write about a particular night, listing in chronological order exactly what happened.  (To the very best of my recollection)  I take great care to note exactly who arrived to share the event and what made it particularly memorable.

This is not one of those posts.

I’m here to tell you that life is truly a matter of choices.

What I am trying to convey here, is that no matter when you visit Bumper’s, you will have a great time.  The day or dates simply don’t matter.

The particular day of the week, has no bearing on the fun; the people are always live here, always up-beat and always creating lasting memories.

That I know.

The staff here are the best anywhere.  They don’t just serve you, they interact with you.  They talk, they listen, they care.  They, more than anything else, keep customers coming back.

Let me say it again, the staff is amazing.  The bands are great too. (well I have to add that, don’t I?)

But, it’s really about the people.

Without the patrons, nothing would exist.

Carl and I can certainly practice and hone our craft, the staff can prepare and be ready, but without the people coming through those doors it would all be for nothing.

The patrons here are always fun.  They arrive to experience a good time, and they stir the drinks, so to speak.

When all of those elements are in place, we can categorically guarantee that fun will follow.

So the next time you have the opportunity to go out and really enjoy an evening, make sure that Bumper’s Landing is on your short list of venues.

Life if pretty short.  Before you know it, some chances for real happiness are gone.

I have noticed recently that some people make poor decisions that they will regret for the rest of their lives.

Don’t let this be one of those.


Once upon a time
Once when you were mine
I remember skies
Mirrored in your eyes
I wonder where you are
I wonder if you think about me
Once upon a time
In your wildest dreams.