On a night when absolutely everything could have gone wrong, nothing did.  Someone must be watching over us, because it was great right from the beginning.

Sometimes it just works out that way.  (Not very often), but sometimes.

Sure, we always have fun, but a lot of the time, its somehow crazy for one reason or another.  When you put that many wild people together in one place, usually something has to give.

Bumper’s Landing

Always fun, always enjoyable, but many times unexpected and or unusual.  Just the nature of the beast, I imagine.  That being said, Saturday was crazy-fun.

Of course since Michigan State was in the final four, it had been busy all day long, from the very moment their doors opened up.

We were to be starting an hour earlier, so of course, we arrived an hour earlier.  Just a little bit of chaos, as we walked in to survey the place.

Since the big basketball game began at 9:00, our plan was to entertain for two hours before the game, then at half time, and again after until midnight.

Somehow we got the first parking spot, (which or course made unloading easier).  Setup was quick and simple, and we had  more than a half an hour before we needed to begin in earnest.  Plenty of time to greet the Bumper’s regulars.

It was a full house of course, with everyone as excited as a kid on Christmas morning.  Electricity was in the air as we played our first set.  “Uptempo and highly motivated” was how I would describe our music to start.  It only got more exciting from there.

Our goal was to get the crowd amped up and ready to rumble!

Since everyone was in such a great mood, taking them to that next level was pretty quick and easy.  Our opening set was high energy and went for more than an hour.  The reception was welcomed as we took our break and connected with our audience.

Things were accelerating nicely as we began our second set.  With our “pedal to the metal” we launched full force into our rock music bag of tricks.  Pulling out favorite rock classic after favorite.  It sure seemed to work since the energy level was nearly through the roof as the transition to basketball took center stage.

While the men battled it out on the hardwood, Carl and I took time to check out our friends and staff during the contest.  The entire venue was alive with passion; as wild and as animated as it ever has been.  On a night when music takes a backseat to sports, we were truly excited to see such a wonderful turnout.

Everyone works so hard at Bumper’s, it is very gratifying to see when all of that work pays off.  Success does not happen by accident or luck; it is usually nothing more than putting in the work.

Soon it was half-time and that meant time to play for us..  Taking our cue from the ticking game-clock, we counted down to half time and our second set.

Not missing a beat, Carl and I launched into party mode extraordinaire.  Time to blow off the roof!

The second set flew by, and before we could even take a breath, it was time again for us to pause and let the game finish.  We checked back in with our Bumper’s regulars to get their take on the evening.

Seems as though we were on the right track, playing everyone’s favorites so far.  Since the home team was losing, we might have needed to play a more somber finish to the night.

Indeed, State failed to prevail in the end; however, the crowd didn’t seem to mind.  After all, the season was viewed as a success as the college boys got that far at least.

Time to finish out the night, and that is just what we did.  We pretty much played the night out without stopping.  Song after song was offered and excepted by the grateful throng.  Each one as appreciated as the last.

It was another signature night at Bumper’s.

Something different, as usual, (If that makes any sense.).  Well, Carl and I understand.



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