It was such a great night at Bumper’s Landing in Harrison Twp, I don’t even feel bad about stealing the words to that immortal song.

It sure didn’t start out that great, as Carl and I sat in the van looking upward and trying to outwit the weather man.

We were sitting in the parking lot at that point, staring upward and then back at our weather apps to come up with a plan for the rest of the evening that didn’t involve us drying ourselves with towels.  (Which, I will tell you , we have done on many occasions over the years)

In the end, there was no real way to play outside, since we knew that the rain would come, just as surly as taxes and eventually another election cycle.

So, inside it would be.

We were certainly leery of playing indoors, since this time of year everyone prefers the clean air and warm sun on their shoulders.  We play so much indoors through the winter, we just wanted to make the most of the evening, and if it cleared up and was nice, everyone would be out while we were stuck in.

Well, you get the idea.  The life of a Rock Star!

So, indoors it was and luckily we had plenty of time to set up and get ready.  However, there was one problem, a table of diners were right where we needed to set up.  They were having an after dinner drink at that point, so we simply needed to wait an hour for them to be done and on their way.

We began at 7:00 actually, one hour later than normal.  However, we would make it up on the back end.  (We’ll get to that later)

Taking it slow at first, the only think that stuck out about the evening at that point was the volume inside of Bumper’s.

I mean, we knew that going in, but damn, its loud in there!

We can crank up the PA, that’s not an issue, but, honestly, to do that, you need to play louder than the patrons.  Trouble is, once you do that, they start getting louder and louder as well.  Then, Carl and I have to turn up and, well, you get the idea.

It can becomes a loud-fest.

Luckily, we didn’t take that route as we avoided turning anything up much at all.  Just another part of being, (you guessed it), a Rock Star!

So we played a strong first set, and waited with cautious optimism that the people would keep pouring in.  Somehow, that’s exactly what happened!

By the second set, there was so much going on that Carl and I knew it was going to be one of those night when all we can really do is to simple hold on for dear life.

Kinda like a bus careening around a mountain pass, you just hold on and hope that you make it.

Girls were dancing, guys were drooling and it got even louder.  We pulled out our best dance tunes and played them one after another.

The place was rocking like it was 1999!%$#&^%%^()*!

Everyone smiled, everyone laughed, everyone danced and joy was ping-ponging off of every wall and window.

Rock Star Secret:

Sometimes for no good reason everything comes together, like any great painting or artistic creation, this night will live forever as one of the best we have ever experienced at Bumper’s.

We really didn’t do anything different.  It was, simply, what I have talked about for many years.  At the risk of sounding like a broken record, I’ll say it again. . .

. . . it’s the people!

It’s always the people.  If we have a great night or a mediocre one, it usually the people that make it so.   We take our job very seriously, and are pretty consistent with our music and our professionalism level.

Translation: It ain’t us.  It’s the people.  We arrive and are ready to entertain.  If the people respond, we are right there with them to help them have the night of their lives.

The people are always what motivates us.

The people are the reason we play.  The reason we sing.

We do it all for you.


. . . yes, you.

You are our reason.  For you, it is great to be a Rock Star!


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