
Expect The Unexpected!

I know, I know . . .

how could you possibly expect the unexpected?

My point, exactly.

When we look forward to playing Saturday afternoons/evenings at Bumper’s Landing in Harrison Township, we NEVER know what to expect.

In fact, I’ll let you in on one of our little secrets . . .

As Carl and I head out to Bumper’s (at about 4:15), we usually turn to each other and sigh, “It looks like we’re going to have another sleepy afternoon by the water.”

Oh, and the joke is real!

We never look too far into the gig because we never know what to expect.  It’s always something different.

Possible variants include (but are not limited to):
Weather, Water level, People, Boats, Pets, Staff, Customers, Holidays, Bats, Events, Aliens, Owners, Politicians, Fish Flies, Musicians, Bachelorettes, Regulars, Security, Celebrities, Pirates, Illegal Aliens, The Purge.

On any given occasions, one or more of them could come into play to throw everything into flux. More times than not, one thing leads to another and then its as though something has disrupted the Space-Time Continuum. (and not in a GOOD way)

So we are left to deal with the consequences with smiles on our faces and a song in our hearts.

Don’t get us wrong, there is literally nowhere else that we would love to be.  Bumper’s is our Nirvana, our musical Shangri La.  For all these years and thousands of gigs we have played, this is the Holy Grail of gigs.

That being said, we always approach each Saturday with guarded optimism.  We observe, scout, survey, and or generally try and catch the vibe as we arrive.  We have been doing it long enough now to get a handle on how the night is going, right off the bat.

Just moving our gear up to the stage this time engaged a trio of young day drinkers who started things off with a bang.  Our set-up was peppered with questions and suggestions,  reviews and requests.  It was fun already!

Yep, it was going to be an interesting evening.

Playing our first set, set the tone for the evening.

So far, we were all over the place, musically and thought-wise.  (I wonder why . . .). Sometimes; I would say, most times, we have an ebb and flow to our sets.  They begin with Yacht-Rock and then evolve from there to country, reggae and on to folk.  From there it can take a turn to pops-ville, oldies or meld into good O’l Rock N Roll.

Regardless, wherever we may wander musically, we usually have a map to navigate with.  We survey the customers and they give us plenty of indications on what they are enjoying.

(Reading the crowd is a whole other conversation; one that has taken us years to master.)

This crowd is pretty easy.  Here at Bumper’s they are pretty laid-back and happy.  They go with the flow more than not, and are the happiest people we have ever had the good fortune to entertain.

On this evening, we had plenty of regulars, plenty of newbies and a great mixture of the spectrum in-between.  All of them content, all of them getting the most out of the laid-back vibe on the waterfront.

The weather was a little cool and it could have rained at any moment, but didn’t.  Undaunted, we launched from listening music into dancing music as effortlessly as an Olympian changing positions on the Pommel Horse.

As the sun set the dancers took control and we just held on, as we do so many nights here.  Luckily for us, the fish-flies weren’t cleared to fly, so they were manageable as our last song cascaded over the waves.

While is true that we never know what to expect.  It is also true that if you expect just that, you will never be disappointed!


You’re Welcome!

You’re always welcome at Bumper’s Landing.

Everyone, that is.

Just jump in your boat, your car or your rickshaw, golf cart or skiff and paddle on over.

No questions will be asked.  No hoops to jump through.

Just open the door and you’re in.

. . . In for a great time, in for an exciting evening, in good company!

Think we’re fans?

You’d be right.  We’ve been there too many times to ignore its healing powers.  This place is as amazing as any place you can ever imagine, and I’m not really sure why.

Some things just work.  Some places absolutely get it right, from start to finish, and Bumper’s Landing figured it out.

The ambiance, the style, the look, the vibe, if you will.

You’ll notice that right away.

It’s like when you want to hang out with your friends at a cool place: it’s Bumper’s

Like when you want to bring a date and have a great evening where no one bothers you and you can concentrate on your significant other: take them to Bumper’s

Like when you are lonely and just want to be around people; but not just any people, nice people, interesting people, good looking, smart, funny and attractive people: Bumper’s

Want to enjoy great music? : Bumper’s

Good food?
Satisfying drinks?
How about a place that you can simply, ‘People Watch”?

Bumper’s, Bumper’s, Bumper’s Landing!

Walking in is the very first indication that there is something different about this place.  It’s like your very own clubhouse, where you’re treated like the special person you have always believed you are.

Always so much going on all around you too.  It’s insane!

Carl and I just marvel at it from a distance as we arrive and begin to set up for the afternoon/evening show.  Yep, we notice it all; who’s working, how crowded it is, what the buzz is?

Always something going down at this place, too, it seems.  By the time we start to play, things are beginning to materialize for the afternoon, like what kind of crowd we have is starting to become apparent.

If it’s primarily older, or younger, if there’s a special event, bachelorette party or game afoot.  Sometimes it’s crowded with dinner guests, sometimes it’s day-drinkers.

Always something, that’s a given.

We get through the first set and it’s time to meet the guests.  We try and say “Hello!” to everyone who came out.  (we do our very best) We know that we can’t spend too much time with each of them, but the idea is to make them each feel special and welcome for visiting.

By the second set the requests are pouring in, and we find it’s the perfect time to find out which direction the audience wants to pivot: Country, rock, oldies, island . . . ALL of the above.

We love the interaction at Bumper’s.

Being in the spotlight, we can take control of the evening by turning up the music, mellowing out, or getting the crowd to put on their dancing-flip-flops!

As the sun sets, things take another turn at Bumper’s  The age drops by twenty years and the more venerable customers exit for the evening.

Our last set is usually classic sing-a-longs and dance music, designed to bring about closure to our evenings’ performance.

It usually goes over pretty well.

As they close the patio and Tiki bar, we begin the process of packing our gear and heading out.

The last transformation occurs as everyone who’s left heads inside for the legendary Bumper’s Landing afterglow.

It’s fun, it’s exciting, it’s laid back, it’s actually pretty chill as the crowd has a night-cap-or-two to celebrate the completion of another amazing day.

If you’re looking for a place to simply enjoy your evening from start to finish . . .

Well, I guess the cat’s out of the bag by now.

Find it on the map, it’s just this side of awesome!



Back To Nature

Some things never get old.

Working with life long friends.  Performing classic oldies music.  Being in an outdoor setting that everyone can enjoy.

How about all of the above!

That’s how I would sum up our return trip to Taylors Beach Family Campsite.

It’s one of those events that we circle on the calendar and can’t wait to play.  Everything about it is enjoyable for Carl and I.  The drive, the set-up the performance atmosphere and the families.

To coin a phrase: It’s all good!

That’s why we go back.  It is quite a drive, but the drive is pleasant, giving us time to catch up and focus on our upcoming goals.

The set-up is easy, since we can drive the van right up to our location in the pavilion.  Just unload the equipment, put it together and do a quick sound check makes that part of the experience so much easier and convenient.  At other locations we need to carry our gear a ways, and for whatever reason it just seems to take twice as long.

Taylor’s Beach is the Mecca for the campers, of course.  It is the focal point where everyone seems to congregate; kids, families and pets that is.  They are all active and in motion long before we arrive, giving us reason to pause.

There’s just something about seeing it all unfold before our eyes that makes it reassuring.   That even with all that has transpired over the last year and a half, nothing it seems can break the American tradition of family and the great out-of-doors.

We see it all unfold before our eyes.  The echos of our own lives as we reflect on memories of our children while watching the families arrive at the beach.  The dads and moms carrying all the provisions for the day with the kids tagging alone behind.  The excitement and drama of a day at the beach, it’s truly wonderful to witness.

We just try and add to the enjoyment while picking and performing each song.  We play them as we watch the comings and goings of the water and campers, interacting in their timeless dance before our eyes.

Our music is designed to be the soundtrack to a day at the beach.

We play them all.  The golden oldies, the country and the fun time songs that get you tapping your toes, even if they are wet at that moment in time.

We love every moment.

We always have a great time there and will always want to come back next time.

Just something in us boys, I think.  To outside by the lake, by the trees under God’s watchful eye.

We are lucky, Carl and I.  To be still doing what we love nearly fifty years after we first picked up an instrument to entertain.

Hope we will be back soon.  I guess Labor Day is just right around the corner . . .

. . . and, through the woods.


Fear Itself – Halloween 2020

Franklin Delano Rosevelt once said, “We have nothing to fear, but fear itself.”  And though those words were first uttered in 1933, the echoes still haunt us to this day.

We believed that if you go to school, work hard, play by the rules acquiring all the amenities that this bountiful land can afford you and yours; optimism and good fortune will undoubtedly follow.  Indeed, that should be true.

Until something like a pandemic changes everything, and all of us in its’ wake.

We are born and come to believe that we have our own time to achieve what we were destined to accomplish.  That our tomorrows shall always hold promise for us.

Until fear crept back into our psyche.

The whole world seems to be holding its collective breathe as we anticipate the passing of this black pall upon us.  Optimism is on hold while we await the “All clear!” that will signal our return to some sense of normalcy.

Everywhere in the world.

Everywhere, except Bumper’s Landing.

At Bumper’s, they just seem to keep enjoying each and every moment like the treasure that it ultimately is.  They pour into this oasis in the heart of pandemic raging right outside it’s door, looking for their well-earned respite from the stress and cynicism that lies in wait.

And while today, (Halloween) has always been a special day, it’s not any different  than any other, here. This venue is immune to the slings and arrows that the cruel world assails us with.  The real-world attitude of aggression, hate and fear, washes off right away as the patrons walk through these doors.  They check thier doubts and worries at the door, leaving it all behind at the Landing.

The real world can wait, because tonight, nothing else matters.  Not temperature, not politics, not logistic, linguistics or latitude.

“It’s Halloween twenty-twenty, and it’s time to party!”

Now, partying is something that Bumper’s knows a little bit about.  No matter what is going on outside in the real world; inside, it’s always a happy place.

And, sometimes a little scary!

What do you expect when your waitress is a ghost, and the guy sitting next to you just happens to be the devil himself!

We were set to play a bit later this weekend, Carl and I, starting our first set at eight.  When we got to Bumper’s the last wave of Trunk Or Treaters had just left, and it was a bit like the calm before the next storm.

We set up and got into our costumes for the night, ready to take on any spooky occurrence that should pop up to haunt us.  All too soon, the room was full of goofy goblins, sexy cats and floating phantasms!

All of them ready to party like it was 1999. (you know, way before this nightmare appeared)

When our first song of the night rang out, there was defiantly something crazy in the air.  Tail feathers were shaking, pizza was rolling and start cats were strutting all around the bar.

It was an ominous sight to behold.

The owner’s table right next to us were into it big time, and requesting Johnny Cash and some Everly Brothers among others.  Fine with us.

Between monster mashing, and werewolves walking, we still were able to take a stab at throwing some other tunes into the cauldron.

A big hit seemed anything slow from any musical era.  Interesting.  Apparently even zombies feel alive when they’re holding a warm body closely on the dance floor!  Every time we got slow and sultry, the hardwood was full of mutants, mummies and ghouls.

The musty hoard stayed until the last hound was hung, just after the witching hour had passed.

Twenty twenty has been full of surprises every step of the way so far; scary, crazy and unpredictable.  Kind of like this entire night.

But at some point, after this shroud of darkness lifts, we must realize there was nothing really to fear all along.

Darkness must always give way to the light.

So, go into the light!


Another Great Day

Sometimes, nothing else matters.  The calendar, the weather or anything going on around this crazy world we live in.

There are some places immune to it all.  Places where no matter what, it’s always a great day.

And we can all use another great day!

And so it goes at Bumper’s Landing in Harrison Township.  More great days than most anywhere else actually.  I might be biased, but on most every days we are lucky enough to entertain there, we have a great day.

It usually begins the moment that we arrive.  Carl and I have gotten in the habit of looking for whatever additions and or changes that had been made in the interim since we had been there last.  More than not, the improvements have been coming all summer.  Some noticeable, and many not.  That’s how it’s been actually at Bumper’s, they do things for their customers each and every day, whether they notice or not.

It’s just what they do.

As summer had officially exited for the year, we were still reveling in the warm temperatures, albeit short lived.

The afternoon was seventy six when we began to set up our equipment.  (A far cry from last weekend when it was in the fifties!). However, there are some things that even bad weather can’t dampen.  Like the happy faces and relaxed smiles on display around the boardwalk.

Every customer seemed like they were enjoying the warm temps to the utmost; knowing full-well that winter is looming around the corner.

Setup went well, though it was earlier than we normally accomplish the task.  We were scheduled to start earlier, as it gets darker outside sooner now, and we want to take advantage of the light and warm winds.

We set up without a hitch, and got a chance to check in with the staff and the regulars which makes us feel right, and ready to rock and roll.

Time to make the magic happen!

Our first sets this summer have really set the tone for the entire night.  Because of the crazy year, Carl and I just seem to unconsciously work twice as hard trying to prove ourselves to the customers. It’s almost as if we are auditioning every time we begin our evening, now.  Trying to prove ourselves to the patrons who have never heard us before.

It’s kind of a Bob and Carl trademark thing, I guess.  On many nights, we actually work harder during the first set of the night than we do the rest of the evening.  Our philosophy, is that once we win over the crowd, they will be fans forever.  So to do that, we bend over backwards to prove ourselves from the very first song.  We accomplish this goal by playing all styles of music, in ever flavor we can think imagine.

Tonight’s first set was very eclectic.   Some rock and Roll, some Island and a few Johnny Cash and assorted country offerings.  Something for everyone, to be sure.  That is always our goal during our first set.

To, show them what we got!

During our first break, we checked out the boats and the folks who piloted them, as we waded through the crowd, meeting and greeting the regulars. Offering “Hello, and welcome!” to the faithful.

For a business of this size and stature, there is hardly any drama to speak of.  On this evening, smiles were all we could see, no matter where we looked.  Smiles, and beautiful people.

Now that our second set was in full swing, we were beginning to get some requests.  And if you know anything about us, you know that we love requests.  They give us a chance to really connect with the audience on a whole new level.

We played requests after request, and won over any last hold-outs in the crowd, who might have been thinking that we were simply your ordinary, run-of-the-mill bar band.

Nope, we may not be a lot of things, but ordinary; we don’t do, ordinary!

During our next break, we met some great people from down Detroit way, who really enjoyed our music.  You can certainly tell when they do, because most of the time they can’t stop singing along with the songs.  I sat down and got to know them better, and to my amazement, they ran a Jimmy Buffett party during the year.  They seemed that they really wanted to have us entertain next year for their events.  Time will tell if its in the cards

Like someone turning a switch, it suddenly got about ten degrees cooler.  On the water, with the wind chill, ten degrees is something that you feel.  People didn’t exactly scatter, but they more or less migrated inside.

We put it in high gear as the end of the night loomed and it was time to play all the hits that we still had yet to unleash.  Much to their credit, still sitting at the tables and singing along, several groups were right there with us.  Some of them dancing in the dark as well.  (Bruce Springsteen himself would have approved)

Nine O’clock seemed an odd time to end, but we had played five hours at that point, and the temps were beginning to plunge.

It was another great night at Bumper’s Landing.  By now, it seems almost a cliche, I realize; however there is no other way sometimes to describe it.

Carl and I expect a great night.  A great performance with great people and a great time to be had by all.

Doesn’t that sound  . . . .         great!?!



Summers’ Last Dance

We know the calendar says autumn, but when it’s near eighty, the sun is high and boats are zipping up and down, we just might look the other way.

And so it was last Saturday at Bumper’s Landing in Harrison Township.  It was on everyone’s mind, although no one would vocalize it. Days like this don’t last forever, and when you live and play in Michigan, they are as precious as gold!

Low humidity, seventy-eight degrees and no rain in sight can even make listening to Bob and Carl palatable.

Without question, the setting was perfect for an evening of enjoyment, no matter what was planned.  Great food, intoxicating intoxicants, and Yacht Rock wafting through the patio speakers set the mood to, enjoy!

That was the setting Carl and I inherited as we arrived to set up and begin what was to be a perfect evening under the pavilion.

Another change awaited us as we pulled into the parking lot.  This time, there was a new wall and fence to complete the waterfront ensemble.

The ownership at Bumper’s was doing something almost daily to make the entire experience immersive for each and every customer.

Truly, an island get-away, just miles from the office.

Our part is the music, and we take great pride in every aspect of its making.

From the very first when we arrive, our goal is to move in swiftly, professionally and set up our gear without so much as anyone noticing.  We don’t want to be in anyone’s way or displace any customer from their personal relaxation experience.

From our opening song, our attempt is to not startle anyone with its’ aural arrival.  To simply transition from the background Tiki bar music, to the dulcet tones of the patron saint of pop relaxation, Jimmy Buffett.  We want them to notice mind you, we just simply don’t wish to knock anyone over with our sound.  We prefer them to notice us between conversations and eventually let the music take hold.

This is one of our goals during the first set.  To pick songs that they will love, and will highlight our musical strengths.  (whatever they might be)

The Buffet makes them smile, the country brings them home and the rock gets them into the groove.

Right next to us during this first set is a wonderful group of people, who certainly know their music.  Even more than that, they know what music they like, and they are not shy about asking for it.

With lots and lots of requests in hand, it was time to begin the second set.  Lots of island music, some select country and even a few classic, iconic oldies.  That’s how you entertain on Saturday evening at Bumper’s Landing.

One thing the warm, lingering weather does is to keep patrons outside on the boardwalk well into the later hours.  Forget that its September, the thermometer suggests more like July!

The calendar doesn’t lie however, and as the sun goes down, it becomes evident that it’s time to savor the final set of the night.

Usually the last set belongs to the dancers in the crowd.  There are always some who want to get out there and cut a rug before the night is ultimately done.  We pick up the tempo and the groove and rocket to the finish line.

One of our trademarks is saving a few sing-a-long songs for the end of the night.  Nothing is more enjoyable for customers than to be able to join in and salute the moment in song with their fellow compadres.

Carl and I certainly enjoyed this day from start to satisfying finish.  Surrounded by friends, fans and amazing staff, there might be better ways to spend a September Saturday, but we would simply struggle to imagine what they might be.



You DO Know Jack!

IT’S Cadillac Jacks’ BIRTHDAY!

If there was ever a special day, this was it.

He’s the king, the stud, the Duke of the docks  He’s a legend in his own mind.

Jack is the one.  He’s the Man.  He’s got more in common with Elvis than Kevin Bacon.  Jack is actually who Chuck Norris comes to for manly advice.

Jack is the straw that sirs the drink.

Jack’s the pope of any port, (and its not his ring they make a pilgrimage to kiss.)

You’ve heard the line, “You don’t know Jack!”  Well, I’m here to tell you that if you did know him, you’d envy him.

You see, Jack is a fixture at Bumper’s Landing, and it just wouldn’t be the same place without him.

It has been a day that many had looked forward to all summer long, and now that it has arrived, it was time for everyone to cut footloose!

I suppose that to many this Saturday seemed almost atypical here at Bumper’s Landing,  The sun was shining and boats were jockeying for a birth by the boardwalk;  many yet unaware of the excitement awaiting them.

We set up our gear and poised for the moment of his arrival.  Tables were reserved, waitresses were readying themselves and friends and family were practicing their speeches and thank you’s all in preparation for his grand entrance.

As for us, we tried to stay calm and play our usual opening set, while keeping one eye peeled for the moment when the crowd erupted with his presence.

Meanwhile, there were old friends stopping by, lots of regulars who wanted to share a story or a “Hello!” and songs to be sung and played.  It was shaping up to be quite a day.

We watched a half million dollar speed boat slink into dock catching a  lot of people’s attention.  A fitting undercard for the palpable thrills yet to come.  It was actually en route to races down south, but thought that it should stop by Bumper’s to be involved in some real excitement and danger.  (Jack’s birthday celebration)

All at once, like lightening splitting an oak, Cadillac Jack was on the premisses!

The crowd cheered, women fainted and many genuflected to acknowledge his arrival.

After the initial excitement died down, Carl and I played some of his favorites, to the delight of the regular patrons and mere mortals.  Jack picked out several of the most beautiful women and allowed them to dance with him.

With his family was on hand to pay their respects, it was a day that will live forever in the hearts and minds of everyone lucky enough to be part of it in some small way.

I’m sure that many more things actually did happen that day; but, all we will ever remember, is how lucky we all were to be part of the legend that is Cadillac Jack!


Paradise Found!

“C’mon people now, smile on your bother, everybody get together, try and love one another right now.”

These are trying times, with turmoil everywhere in the world.  Wherever you may look, you can see evidence of man’s constant inhumanity to his fellow man.

However, what might be true for the rest of the planet, doesn’t necessarily hold true for Bumper’s Landing. Here, there are smiles apleanty, everywhere you look.

Just Sayin’

If fact, many of the people who flock to this haven from the cruel, real world seek it out to escape from the wicked realities that exists, right outside its doors.

They know that when they arrive, they will enter a place that almost protects them from the cares and worries that wear down most unassuming people.

We know that, Carl and I.

We’ve been a part of it for too long now to have it go unnoticed on our watch.  We’ve seen how folks come in, stoic and stern, and in the span of a few short hours, emerge contented and without a care in the world.  Renewed, refreshed and reinvigorated!

Bumper’s Landing is like a safe haven of sorts.  A worry-free zone where the world has no sway of the souls of its inhabitants.

We always survey the crowd as we arrive to set up our equipment, about an hour before we are scheduled to begin our performance.  It’s like stepping into another world.  No matter what trials and tribulations are making headlines at the moments in the real world, those worries seem to be abandoned at the door.

This safe haven of happiness is available and awaiting each of us, should we simply choose to be participate.  All you need to do is join us.  For an hour a meal or and evening, your troubles can melt away if you wish to let them go.

We’ll help.

Carl and I will start by offering happy, relaxing music that was created to sweep you away from the turmoil you angst that is wedged in your soul.  To lift it away and allow calming thoughts of pleasure to reside in its place.

Some Saturdays here are simply without any agenda at all.  No birthday parties or product driven sales pitches here.  Just a club house of relaxation and enjoyment.  By the water, near the kitchen, with plenty of adult libations within easy reach.

All the ingredients one needs to shed the unrelenting shackles of this mean spirited plane.

Music, food and alcohol.  The triumvirate of modern-day happiness.

They can all be found in plentiful abundance at Bumper’s Landing, in Harrison Township, Michigan.

“Seek, and ye shall find!”  it has been said.  ‘Tis true.  And if ye shall seek and find, make certain to give a good review on Yelp!



The Lazy Day – September 6th Taylor Family Campground

Summertime in Michigan.

Just reading those words should conjure many happy images.

Baseball, Birch Run,  barbecues.  Lighthouses,  leisure and Lake Saint Clair.  Paper plates, Port Sanilac and plentiful peacefulness.

There’s another one that might not be a household word, but ranks right up there with Carl and I . . .  Taylors Beach Family Campground.

Bustling with activity and family choices, Taylors Beach is a rustic retreat, only miles from the suburbs.

This is our third summer of entertaining there, and we seem to enjoy it more, each and every time we are lucky enough to be asked back.

With its own lake and lodge, every campsite has access to all the amenities that any fun-lovin’ family could imagine.  Campfires, games, swimming and exploring.  Dances, biking and putt-putt golf.

Ah, to be young and at an Rv park in the summer!

Its kind of funny, but when we do arrive on-site, there is no fanfare at all.  (to be expected). Truth is, folks are too wrapped up in the fun they are having.

We pull up, start moving picnic tables in the pavilion, and are not bothered by anyone at all.  It’s not that people are unaware, they just are enjoying whatever they are doing.  And, believe you, me, there’s plenty for them to be doing.

Since it was our second trip to Taylors Beach this summer, we were pretty comfortable with everything.  We drive up, set up and are ready to Rock N’ Roll, as they say.

We actually began playing at one O’clock, when there was no one technically at the pavillion.  The music brought them running though.

Well, not really running, but walking a little faster than normal.  Our first set was an eclectic blend of all things musically enjoyable.  Each song different from the last, and from the next one in the chamber.

Playing our unique mix of songs also helps brings in and connects with lots of ages, genres and occupations.

Something for everyone is kinda our jam.

Country, rock, Irish, oldies or island?  Pop, blue-grass or blues.  We’ve got something for everyone.  Maybe why we have been around for so long. . . .

The songs were making the connection we envisioned, as evidenced by the way that the crowd was responding. We had some dancers, some Limbo’r’s and even some fun-in-the-sunners!

Only playing three sets, it all goes by pretty fast, I’m not gonna’ lie.  Seems as though by the time we get ready to play the first song, it’s time to pack it all back up.  That’s ok though, since we play many hours at some other gigs.

Just look at those smiling faces!

Pretty pleased, all in all.  In the end, we came, we played and we moved on.  (Actually playing at Bumper’s in a few short hours . . .)

It was another great summer day to be alive and well in the great Michigan out-of-doors!


At Rainbows’ End

Since dreamers began dreaming, people have been looking for a pot of gold at rainbow’s end.  Well, here at Bumper’s Landing, we believe we have found it!

Real treasure is hard to come by.  It’s illusive, it’s valuable and it’s well guarded.

However, sometimes, the reason that people can’t find it, is that they simply don’t know how to recognize it. They look with only their eyes, but simply cannot see it.

You might not believe this, but some people don’t know how lucky they are to have something so precious and amazing right in front of them, .  They’ll never recognize how rare and special it is.

Until it’s gone.

Carl and I know it, and are reminded each and every time we arrive at Bumper’s Landing in Harrison Township, Michigan.

In our musical career, we can confidently say, this is our pot of gold!

No, we’re not talking about money; money comes and goes.  We’re talking about things much more tangible.  Things that truly matter.  Things that last.

Relationships with wonderful people who work together to attain the same goals and purpose.  To strive to be the best at what they do.  To create an experience that is consistent and professional, that elevates everyone around us.

To nurture good will, excitement, pleasure and happiness.

Everyone from the owner and his family, to the managers, bartenders and servers, right  down to the bus boys and security, labor to create an atmosphere of enjoyment, safety, relaxation and wellness, under one roof.

Our pot of gold.

We have worked many many venues over our long careers, and while some have been wonderful, Bumper’s is on top of the list.  We are treated like family, and that is more than we could every have hoped for.

(Worth its weight in gold, you might say.)

No one makes a fuss over us, that’s not what we need or want.  We show up, set up and go about our business entertaining.  Working, like Rock Stars, but, not really.

We don’t make demands.  We don’t cause a fuss or problems.  We don’t show up late, sloppy or unable to perform.  Drunk or belligerent.

In that respect, we are completely boring.  We don’t need to be coddled, stroked or gushed over.  We come, we play and we leave.  Doing what is expected of us, and most assuredly, more.

We always try and do what ever it takes to make the evening a success.  Whether its music, promotion or customer relations, a huge part off what we do is communicating with patrons to gauge from their feed-back how the are enjoying themselves.

In our business, our interaction with the customers is paramount if we want them to have the positive experience, they were hoping for when they decided to spend their evening there.

Seek happiness, and you will find it here.

At any typical venue, if the patrons were enjoying themselves outside, and it began to storm, the place would be empty in about five minutes.

End of the night, and story.

Ah, but in this fairy tale, when the storm comes along and rages its best to break up the crowd, they simply wait it our and reappear with even bigger smiles on their faces!

The funniest part is: no one says a word about the rainbow that suddenly appeared over their club house.  (They all know where the pot of gold is, and no one wants to give away its location to the rest of the unappreciative world.)

It will remain our little secret.

Let me leave you with this one thought.

There is a lot of fools gold out there.  It might look shiny and bright, rich and alluring, but will never bring you happiness.  If you are lucky enough to find your true pot of gold; grab hold of it, enjoy every moment, and never let it go.  For if you do . . .

you will regret it for the rest of your days.

