

Sound is a funny thing.

People think that with all the professional sound reinforcement equipment that exists these days, louder is better.

Nope.  Not how it works.

Quieter is really better.  Better on the patrons, better on the ears.  Better on the hands and body.

The truth is: Hearing is better.  Better on everyone.

On Saturday night, at the Green Lantern Lounge in Clinton Twp. Michigan, we were reminded again, just how  wonderful it is to be heard.  Wonderful on so many levels.

Arguably the greatest group of musicians that have ever existed in the modern age of Rock & Roll, The Beatles, quit playing live, for one simple reason:  They could not hear themselves.

Remember in the sixties, in rock N’ roll’s infancy, there was really not much that existed to project the sound from those bands.  Take any concert venue of the day; say, Shea Stadium in New York.  Put four tiny musicians with primitive amplifiers out in the middle of a baseball stadium, and add 55,000 screaming girls . . .   See a problem problem?  More to the point; hear a problem?

Not only could the crowd not hear the Beatles; but the Beatles could not hear themselves.  And they were standing right next to each other.

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Now I would never compare ourselves to the Beatles.  On any level.  But, the sound problems that they faced, are still the same today.  All of those logistical sound inadequacies still exist today; there is just better science to solve its’ short-comings.

Fast forward: Sound reinforcement equipment has come light-years forward in both its’ design and application.  Although the latest sate-of-the-art sound systems have both the power and the flexibility to bring music and voice to any venue, it will never take the place of any well designed stage or theater.

The acoustics of any building play the primary part in how any artist or ensemble is heard.  More than anything.

You can mask problems with equalization.

You can reach the audience with brute power.

But playing in a building designed to have the artist heard is the pinnacle of the sound hierarchy.

Well, I’m not likening The Green Lantern Lounge to Carnage Hall – but we have played there twice; and the best part of our experience was not the alcohol or even the pizza.

The best thing is simply hearing ourselves.  Sounds pretty simple, I know; but its true.

On this night, Carl and I could hear each and every note of every chorus of every song.  To an artist, that is true gold.  It really makes it a pleasure to play.

We play in so many venues of beer-halls, banquet halls and barbecues that are so difficult hear ourselves; that when some place comes along that we can actually hear ourselves, I simply needed to take pause and write about it.

Saturday was such a place; and it was glorious to us.  We were working very hard to bring people in and keep them for the evening.  We were doing our part.  So was the staff, and so were the patrons who reached out to us with their requests.

There were even some people who looked on quietly, but were listening intently.  These people were wonderful too.  Just what we need some times.

I can’t stress enough what a joy it is to simply hear.  There were actually people in a booth right in front of our speakers who could have a conversation, all the while enjoying the drinks the food, and the music.  Joy.

We had a great night; if for only that reason.  Each and every song that we played resonated with us on some level.

When you can hear, you can match pitch better, match dynamics better and match artistic intensity and artistic energy better.  It all works together, for a much better performance.

Don’t believe me?  Listen for yourself.  Click here to listen to our 3rd set of the night . . .

We had fun, we played lots of great songs and even got to sing a hearty rendition of the worlds’ most enjoyed song: Happy Birthday for Nicole!

Happy birthday Nicole; so glad you could hear it.




Fall Preview

The calendar might say August 27th, but the thermometer says fall is coming.  Not to worry; there is still more summer-like weather on the way.  (We hope!)

On this August night however, fall was here to visit; if only for a day or two.  Good thing, as      we aren’t willing to give in, just yet.

On a rare Thursday night appearance, Carl and I set up at Bumper’s Landing around five O’clock for the evening ahead.  A night primarily hoping to raise funds for the Special Olympics through an exciting Jack-Of-Hearts raffle.

We started singing at six, to a great group of hearty boaters who just happened to be willing to brave the elements, (including our music), while sampling some of Bumpers’ best adult beverages.

It was cool.  In the high sixties.  But the music was warming people up.  Halfway into the first set, the birthday boy arrived!

Well, it was Sam’s birthday. (who knew?)

Actually, there was a great group of people who were there to celebrate Sam getting older.  We sang, they enjoyed.  It was a good night for everyone out on the landing.

DJ Jimmy and his parents helped us decide what the crowd wanted to hear; and we did our very best to satisfy them.

Boaters love Jimmy Buffett music, or course.  And Kenny Chesney, etc.  But we really never imagined the reception that country music got when we played it for them.  They loved it!

On this night, it was no exception, as we fielded plenty of requests for country music of every ilk.

As night descended on the water, the birthday party was in full flight.  The lights were out and as boaters began to head out, we played our last song.

Everyone left happy; filled with food, drink and music.  And, hopefully heeding the calendars’ warning. . .

Summer is nearly gone.  Let it fall.


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Building A Better Pizza

It takes more than sauce, cheese and dough to build a great pizza.  Much more.

It takes good people.  Dedicated, hard-working and thoughtful people.

It takes the kind of people that own and run The Green Lantern Pizzeria, in Clinton Township, Michigan.

On Saturday, August 22, we had the opportunity to entertain the happy customers at the Fraser, lantern.  As 8:30 approached, the establishment was filled with diners; enjoying their favorite pizza pies.  It was our job to persuade them to stay, have some drinks and enjoy the music.

Carl and I had played there a few times before; always to a great reception.  Now, months later, they switched up the music location.  Previously, we had entertained in the big dining room.  However, on this night, we have been moved to the lounge area.

I will say this: the lunge area is perfect for us.  The acoustics were wonderful.  It nearly made us sound good!

The good people at the Lantern are doing all that they can to establish entertainment for their many customers.

It has been all summer now that they have had some of the best bands and artists in the city entertaining at this location.  They want their restaurant to be a “destination“, not merely a location.  We are confident that it will happen over time.

On this night, for instance, the setting was perfect for a great evening to be had by anyone and everyone.  The weather was picture perfect for doing just about anything that you wanted to do.

The problem with that was . . .  most people didn’t want to be inside doing it.  It was slow.  Knowing that summer was coming to an end was on most people’s minds; and it showed.

As the weather gets colder and darker, customers will come inside to be part of the great entertainment that is offered at this local.

As it was, we did meet some very nice, warm people on Saturday night.  An entire table that stayed for hours and enjoyed nearly every song we played.  That was very rewarding, to say the least.

The staff is always to friendly and kind; none better anywhere.  We hope that the next opportunity for us to entertain at the Green Lantern will be even more popular with the customers than the ever.

To build a great pizza, it takes a lot of things to be done right.  To build an pizza franchise, it takes even more ingredients added, over time.  The Green Lantern is on its’ way.  Carl and I are proud to be a part of the journey.

See you on Saturday!


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Old Friends


Old Friends . . .

         “Time it was and what a time it was, it was
A time of innocence, a time of confidence”

                                                                                                                            Paul Simon


Some things seem never to change. They fit together like one of life’s familiar puzzles; all the pieces in the right order. And when it is ever put back together; it creates that wonderful harmony that results in a something that can withstand being taken apart, only to be truly classic in its reconnection.

So it was last Friday night that the Three Blind Mice Irish Pub in Mt. Clemens, Michigan.

After playing our first set, the doors opened, and in walked some of our oldest, most talented musical friends from the past: Wayne Baraks and Adam Allen. Two of the finest musicians that the Metro-Detroit area has ever produced. (And, that is saying a lot!)

Adam and Wayne go way back with us. Wayne, since he began playing with Adam, after his amazing stint with Rare Earth; and Adam, since the seventies when we ruled the stages of Algonac with Sanctuary.

Adam is without question, the most talented guitar player that we have ever had the privilege to hear. He can play any style of music. He can sing, and knows nearly any song that can be mentioned. (since he has probably either player it or taught it at one time or another).

Adam even toured with one of the legendary bands of the rock & roll musical pantheon; Badfinger. We pretty much grew up together, and have kept in touch over the last forty years. Not too many artists can or are still doing what he has done; and for that, we are still in awe.

With Adam and Wayne in the house, we thought that maybe we could get them up to entertain. (even after they had already played their own gig that evening). As luck would have it, they agreed.

They played a wonderful set, acoustically, with both Adam and Wayne taking turns at the mic.

Listening to such great music, it was only a matter of time before I joining in, singing back-up vocals.

After finishing their set, Carl replaced Wayne, and we were jamming again before you knew it!

 Listen in on the last set of the night, when
Adam and wayne sat in and brought the house down!

                                                                                   Adam Alan, Wayne Baraks with Bob & Carl

It was a great evening. We got to spend some time getting to know Adam and Wayne’s find Bobbie, who took several pictures of the “happening” (That’s what they used to call those spontaneous musical events back in the sixties!)

There was even one incredibly fun couple there who offered suggestion after suggestion on what we should play. Great suggestions, all! Great fun!

It was a very memorable night for us; for the patrons and hopefully for Adam and Wayne. We wish them well. We hope that you check them out in concert, and most of all, we hope to see them again soon!

There are a reason that we fit together so well musically . . . most of our pieces have been etched over the long process of time. The music might be considered old by today’s standards; but there is no doubt that the music is classic.

Classic music, old friends.


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A Perfect Landing

As well as Friday night went at Bumper’s Landing in Harrison Township; Saturday was even better.

It seems as though Carl and I began right where we had left off Friday night before the storm. ( . . . the storm that never really was).

Saturday was every bit as beautiful as the brochures had promised, with blue skies and blue water, as far as the eye could see.  (If, you could get your eyes past the bevy of bikini-clad beauties that populated this bar)!

We couldn’t.  Beauties as far as the eyes could see.

And friends, and family and fun, fun, fun!  We were truly having a blast on the river.  The crowd loved it.  The management appreciated it, and word circulated back to us that even Paul, the owner was having a great time.

All that was left was for us to pick the right songs at the right time.  We could do that.  And, we did.

At about nine, as the sun finally went down; the water was busting with those river-monsters coming in hungry for the evening’s catch.  They filled all twenty one boat slips, and clamored for more.  Our job was to give them something to listen to, even if they were still vying for harbor.

We seemed to play everything that the boaters wanted to hear, one way or another.  If there was something we couldn’t, DJ Jimmy could.

At was a magical night on the river for us.  So many smiling faces.  So many wonderful, happy people.  A hard working staff, a happy owner; and no storms in sight.  What more could we ask for?

It was a perfect night on Bumper’s Landing, for sure.  Be sure to save the next date that we are scheduled there.  Thursday, August 27th at 6:00 Pm.

‘Til then, keep following the sunset.  We’ll be ready with a song when you finally dock.


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Bumper’s Landing

It began as a cell phone call a month ago, when a fellow named Jim contacted me on the fourth of July, on our way back from our independence day celebration gig.

He said that he had heard Carl and I play at the Three Blind Mice, and wondered if we would be interested in playing at his club.

So the date was set, and so was the die, so to speak.  The club was a place called Bumper’s Landing.  It used to be the Mariner’s Boat Club in years gone by; but now sports the name, Bumper’s.  Jim turned out to be, DJ Jimmy, the person who coordinated all the entertaining at the club.  He was filling up some summer dates, and though that we would be a good fit.  It was up to us to prove him right or wrong.

We arrived at four thirty at Bumper’s Landing, in Harrison Township.

One thing that we noticed right from the beginning, was how friendly everyone there is.  Always a welcome trait in our business.  We greatly appreciate the kindness of other employees; since we are all working together to serve the customer in one aspect or the other.  The entire staff at Bumper’s treated us well; even before we played a note.

We set up right on the river, in a kind of gazebo or sun-shield.  From our vantage point, we could see everything that goes on there.  And, we quickly found out that there was a lot that actually goes on there.

Fun Fact:  Carl and I learned long long ago that there are certain groups of people that like to party, and are good at it.  Several, in fact.  But nobody parties like boaters.  Nobody!

They drink, they talk, they drink, they dance, they drink, they navigate.  They drink; and some of them even walk the plank if need be.  They do it on the water, in the sun, in the rain the wind the snow, I bet.  They are there to have a good time; and, have a good time, they do!

Friday night at six bells was when we officially began our weekend entertaining.  We began cautiously and mellow, for the most part.  Our first set was very solid and what we considered easy-going.  It was a new venue; and we didn’t want to scare away anyone, before we even got going.  However even before  we could begin our second set, the dark clouds began to roll our way.  Weather reports became more ominous as the winds began to howl.

In a flash things turned really ugly.  (No, not just the music . .. ).  So a determination was made to bring the party inside to relative safety.  With the help of some great people, (DJ Jimmy, Mike and Nicole), we were inside and playing again in literally moments.  How great was that?  Without their help, we would blown out to the bay, or worse.  End of story.

Once inside, we finished the evening to a packed house of revelers, dancing and partying the night away.  Storm or no storm, these people had a great time.

Sometime during the night, DJ Jimmy informed us that the band they had scheduled to play Saturday night, had cancelled.  He asked if we would be interested in playing Saturday as well.  We were delighted to have the opportunity to entertain again.  We liked the club, they liked us, and we would be helping them out as well.

Friday night ending with many smiling, contented faces.  Even after listening to Carl and I for five hours.  Who knew?


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Art In Shelby

Summertime in Shelby would not be summer without the annual Shelby Art Fair.  It is the annual celebration, fund-raiser and salute to the arts, that has been held for so many years now.

I believe that the last time we played the art fair was a few years ago, as strolling musicians.  We walked the sidewalks and grounds, singing and playing for two afternoons in the sun.  It is a great way to play, but very difficult.  No sound reinforcement; no sitting or relaxing, and no help from the stage or setting.  We just walked and played, for a three hours at a time.

This year, we were playing the big stage.

We played both Saturday and Sunday on the big stage under the main pavilion. As part of the many musical acts to entertain the strolling art patrons and exhibitioners.

Sandwiched between two acts on Saturday, we played acoustically to lots contented patrons of art and crafts.

Before us was a very, very talented group called Rick & Dayna, with the special musical talents of Marshall, on the mic.  What a great band they were!  We enjoyed each and every song that they played.  Great variety, great musicianship and great people.

After us, another very talented band wowed everyone at the fair – The Square Pegz Band.  An 80’s tribute band.  Lots of people, lots of talents, lots of girls in the band!

We thought that it would be the perfect compliment to the 80’s rock and pop/nostalgia sounds of those other bands, by playing acoustically.

We really enjoy getting the chance to play other music in our repertoire on occasion.  And, this is just one such occasion.

People meandering throughout the fair grounds, drinking in the art all around them.  Sunshine and blues skies, happy, relaxing tunes on a summer day.  Nothing better in the entire world.  Just being with the person that your really care about, and you are all set!

Sunday was just as magical, if even more so.  We were a bit more settled and relaxed, as we didn’t have three bands coming and or going around us as we performed.

All in all, it was one of the most enjoyable, summer shows we have played in the past; with this year being no exception.

So great to see and meet the many people that enjoyed the show.  The people from the park were very happy with us; and already invited us back for next year.

We are already looking forward to it.

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Summer- Mouse

Summertime at the Three Blind Mice in Mt. Clemens, Michigan has been a great time to stop in, drink an ale and hear a song or two.

We played to a good crowd, filled with patrons and summer-revelers that seemed to enjoy each melody.  (Ok, it was the ale, but we can understand that).

Inside, by the barrels is where we have been hiding from the malicious sun, this summer.  On this night, it was no different.

Although it was beautiful outside, the patio has been the home of the resident Dj this year. It gets cold most night, and you can never tell what this crazy Michigan weather will do.

So, we play inside; which is perfect for us.  We can concentrate on the music, and not have to worry about the elements.

So in that spirit, we pretty much enjoyed everything on this night.  Good song, good drink and wonderful friends that gave us the inspiration to play the music of our lives.

I have mentioned before that in Michigan, in the summer, there are so many choices  for entertainment.  So many things to do or places to go.  When people make the choice of visiting our show, it is a great compliment to us and the establishment where we entertain.

We played any, many requests on this night, which always makes us feel wonderful.  To be able to channel those musical memories for people is one of the main reasons that we still are playing, after all these years.  Guess it makes us feel appreciated.

We will  play the Mice again soon, so please come by and share the evening with us.  No matter what weather awaits you.

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An Independence Day

Summer seems to have arrived; and just in time for an Independence day that will be long remembered.

Not for anything catostrophic or salacious, but for the sheer air of relaxation that surrounded it.

Everywhere we looked, it was apparent that families were gathering to simply enjoy this holiday, in ways that weren’t possible over that last few years.

People just feel better about things right now.   Better about the economy.  Better about jobs.  Better about the state of things; the direction we are headed.  Better about the future.

You can sense it everywhere.  Most notably from our perspective are the small, community concerts that were the very first to be eliminated due to buracratic cost-cutting.

Look around, now and you will see local concerts aplenty.  (great news for starving musicians everywhere).

The talent contests that have captured everyone’s attention over the last decade have finally ebbed.  With it the glut of attention focused on finding the “next unknown Idol”.  Most of the time, people with real talent are not that difficult to spot.  Your ears actually have the ability to hear someone who is gifted.  But it is not always about pure vocal talent.

People have always, and will always just want to be entertained.  For an hour, for a day, or even for an entire season.  People need to get away from their troubles and cares.  To see, hear or experience artists that expand their horizons.  To listen as the human condition is shared with them form another perspective.  To hear or read ideas and thoughts that confirm what they, themselves have been feeling inside.

There are many reasons that art connects with people; and on a beautiful day like this, all of them find a home.

Carl and I stood on the edge of the pool at Great Oaks Country Club in rochester Michigan, with smiles a big as the Grand Canyon.  Although the last time we were there, we were soaked to our skins; nothing could possibly dampen this incredible day.

83 Degrees.  Poolside.  Barbecue to our right.  Cabana to our left.  Beautiful smiling people.  families frolicking in the water.  If we had a problem on a day like this; we were truly in the wrong business.

We began the day with a simply song written by Jimmy Buffett . . .

Squalls out on the gulf stream
Big storm’s comin’ soon
I passed out in my hammock
And God I slept till way past noon

Stood up and tried to focus
I hoped I wouldn’t have to look far
I knew I could use a bloody Mary
So I stumbled next door to the bar

And now I must confess, I could use some rest
I can’t run at this pace very long
Yes, it’s quite insane, I think it hurts my brain
But it cleans me out and then I can go on

There’s somethin’ about this Sunday
It’s a most peculiar gray
Strollin’ down the avenue
That’s known as A1A

Feelin’ tired, then I got inspired
I knew that it wouldn’t last long
So all alone I walked back home
Sat on my beach and then I made up this song

And now I must confess, I could use some rest
I can’t run at this pace very long
Yes, it’s quite insane, I think it hurts my brain
But then it cleans me out and then I can go on

Well, the wind is blowin’ harder now
Fifty knots or thereabouts
There’s white caps on the ocean
And I’m watchin’ for waterspouts

It’s time to close the shutters
It’s time to go inside
In a week I’ll be in gay Paris
That’s a mighty long airplane ride

And now I must confess, I could use some rest
I can’t run at this pace very long
Yes, it’s quite insane, I think it hurts my brain
But it cleans me out and then I can go on
Yes, it cleans me out and then I can go on

Jimmy Buffett

Why people around the world can relate to Jimmy’s music, can be found in the lyrics.  The simple, universal tenant of escaping from the daily grind and hustle of a world spinning out of control.

We have all worked incredibly hard over the last decade; and now maybe, just maybe; it is time to reap some of the fruits of that labour.

Song after song that echo the timeless notion of relaxation begin to have the designed effect on the Great Oaks membership: they soon fall under our spell of smiles and sloth.

No matter.  That is why we are here.  To bath the people in a shower of warm memories and rhythm.  On this day, things went exactly according to plan.  So good in fact, one of the members sponsored us to play an extra half hour!

A day that began as a lazy poolside melody, was ended in a way that has been our tradition for twenty years at Great Oaks.

Woody Guthery

This land is your land, This land is my land,
From California to the New York island;
From the red wood forest to the Gulf Stream waters;
This land was made for you and Me.

As I went a-walking that ribbon of highway
I saw above me that endless skyway
I saw below me that golden valley
This land was made for you and me.

I roamed and rambled and I followed my footsteps
To the sparkling sands of her diamond deserts;
All around me a voice was a-sounding;
This land was made for you and me.

There was a high wall there that tried to stop me
A sign was painted said “Private Property”
But on the backside it didn’t say nothin’
This land was made for you and me.

When the sun came shining, and I was strolling;
the wheat fields waving and the dust clouds rolling.
A voice was chanting, the fog was lifting
This land was made for you and me.

This land is your land, This land is my land,
From California to the New York island;
From the red wood forest to the Gulf Stream waters;
This land was made for you and me.

These two songs framed our day in such a fashion that the families might only remember years from now.  (maybe in worse times).  Both songs point to the gulf stream.  Both urge us to slow down, look around and take pride and hope in what we have.

The only thing that could possibly be added is enjoyment of family and friend; and because were area free people, we do not take that for granted.



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A Musical Legacy

With the welcome warm temps, blue water and relaxing vacations, also come the dreaded summer lulls at the Three Blind Mice Irish Pub in beautiful, downtown Mt. Clemens, Michigan.

We all know that June, July & August days and nights in Michigan are prized beyond many things.  So when the thermometer says 72 and beyond, it means that people are out and about; doing as much as they can do.

For us, it means that there will be nights like we had last Friday, when patrons filled the patio; but did not venture inside until the sun went down.

All good with Carl and I.

At its’ core, the Three Blind Mice is a gathering place; a musical destination around these parts; where people that love music can go and hear great renditions of their favorite music.  As it should be.

By now the word is out that in here, music is as important at the food and ale.  (well, ok, now I’m exaggerating!).  Well, it’s right up there in the top three!

Since long before the Mice was opened, the three owners’s idea was to bring to Mount Clemens a pub that was much more than we have seen around here for quite some time.

More atmosphere, more service, more drink choices and much, much more music.
So far, so great!  The service brings you back.  Smiling wait-staff who cater to your every table desire.  A menu that excels at selection; and the music . . .   well, the music is a welcome alternative to the hum-drum, worn out Karaoke holes-in-the-walls that sprang up in the last forgettable musical decade.

Go anywhere in the world and tell them that you are from Detroit, and watch their reaction . . .

. . . first thing they do is to take a step back.  (scan you up and down, checking for both guns and or bullet holes).  Then they usually smile and bask in the warm glow of an classic Motown tune!

Michigan music is revered through the world.  The artists, the concerts; the songs.  The are our legacy.  Our calling-card.  Our birthright.

Incredible music has been our export for 50 years now; with no signs of abatement.

So given this heritage, this legacy; when an artist takes the stage in Michigan, they have much to live up to.  Much is expected.  Fortunately, much is delivered.

You can still hear music in most cities and towns.  Good music.

Case in pointe:  Come into the Three Blind Mice, order your favorite adult beverage; sit back and listen.  You will be rewarded with some of the best artistry and showmanship that can be found anywhere.

Since our first night at this venue, we have seen many great groups that posses incredible  talent and musicianship.  A very proud heritage, that has been passed on since the world took notice of more than motor cars in the early sixties.

Each and every night that we perform, it is our “musical” duty to uphold that torch that every artist who came before us has passed on.

On this Friday night that began very slow, we were very fortunate to spend time with some new fans and friends; some from as far away as England.

Editors' Note: the mark of a great pub is where anyone from anywhere can instantly feel at home, just by coming inside!

Its great when it is packed, don’t get me wrong.  However, when it is slower, we are able to spend more time getting to know the patrons that are the entire reason we are here.

We listen to their stories, (we explain why we make some many bad notes . . .), and we hear about their musical heroes and favorite songs.

So on this particular Friday, when the crowd would ebb and surge throughout the night, we were given the opportunity to make many new friends.

We met several great couples, who shared their suggestions on everything from musical anecdotes to cultural witticisms.  (You can really learn a lot when you just take the time to listen.)

We had a very talented woman sit in with us again, and share her wonderful voice with the exuberant crowd.  (Her friends liked it too!)

We met Ron and friends, a program director associated with a local radio station from Bloomfield HiIMG_8796lls, who along with teaching students, has been doing all he can to promote and nurture local musical artists.  Here is Biff Radio, and this is the link to his radio show: Motorcitystatic.


There was even a surprise visit from a friend of ours, whom we have played music with for nearly forty years: The equally legendary Adam Allen.

Adam has played in several bansanctuary-FINALds and shows with us going way back to our early days in Algonac around 1977.

He played with us, then his own band; and even toured with the immortal Badfinger for a time.  He is truly the greatest guitar player we have ever been lucky enough to hear; and still plays locally.As the night drew on, the crowd, (now inside), enjoyed every note.  Finally the last song ended, and Carl and I packed up our guitars for the evening.

Working at the Mice, though rewarding, is truly exhausting.  So it was with much pride and satisfaction that we loaded the equipment into the van, for tomorrow’s performance.

Knowing that once again the musical torch remained burning brightly.


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