
The Bumper’s Phenomenon

The Bumper’s phenomenon.

It’s a thing.

Well, it is now, for sure.  Just ask anyone in Southeast Michigan who knows anything,  they’ll tell you all about it.

The word is out.
The drinks are poured.
The food is cooking and music is in the air.

Carl and I are yet to have a perfect evening as far as the weather is concerned, and yet, the nights have been incredible at Bumper’s Landing.

When the temps and clouds do cooperate, it is going to be some kind of incredible madness!

That will be fine, we’ll be ready to manage it all.

For now, we’ll take what we can get, weather wise.  Last Saturday, it was cloudy and sprinkley outside.  We wondered if people were going to show top.

Since it was very quiet when we showed up to bringing our gear, we thought that it might be a very slow night.  Boy, were we wrong.

Right from the beginning of the night, we watched the doors open up and and deliver us smiling faces.  Smiling faces that for the most part, stay3ed all night long.

The rain might have been trying to spoil the evening, but the Bumper’s crowd was having none of it.

Our first set was spent just watching the phenomenon, first and, really.  They would come in and seem to never leave.  Everywhere happy groups of fun, jovial boat people.  Our kind of crowd.

Carl and I could really get spoiled playing for these people.

Set after set of music began to wear them down, until around nine thirty, the dancing break out in earnest.

Guys were sitting in to perform a song or two, and everyone Wass having an incredible time.

Wse. certainly didn’t count on anything much happening on this night; however, we were wrong.  Very soon it was packed and nearly overflowing into the Cabana.

One thing we never have taken for granted was the Bumper’s phenomenon.  It’s almost crazy fun now.  This huge group of people, every week, all having a wonderful time.

No fights, no problems and not hassles.

Some thing are just natural occurrences: like the weather, the elements and time itself.

The Bumper’s Phenomenon is the only one of them that is man made.

Well, man AND women made!


Centerline 2018

They say that you can never go back.

Well, they are wrong.  In Centerline, you can.  We did it last Saturday afternoon.

Carl and I returned to the place that we have enjoyed playing for the last couple summers.  Centerline Independence Festival.

We love getting the chance to play country music.  And, in Centerline, we had just one such opportunity.

Although the weather would not cooperate for us agin this year, we would not be denied.  Setting up on the Eastpointe show-mobile, we knew that things would be a little different this year.

It was raining, and the crowds were not out-and-about as of yet.  However, that didn’t deter us one bit.  We lit into the country hits with will abandon.

We played a variety of old and new country.  Something for each and everyone that might stop by to enjoy the music and the day.  Four or five songs into our two-hour set, we started getting requests from the good folks in attendance.

They wanted some, Riders in the Sky.  Some Garth Brooks and some Johnny cash.  Always happy to oblige, Carl launched into request after request, to the delight of those in attendance.

The rain held off just long enough for us to take a small break, as well as give us a chance to chat with the country fans that crowded the stage area.  Everyone was happy, evident by the smiles and the toes that were tapping.

Our second half of the show was a bit younger in song selection, and a bit more up-tempo, in nature.  Time to play some music by the country artists of the last five years.

The crowd was really coming together now, as it was nearly time to do some square dancing under the beer tent.

We finished strong with some old country favorites.  Leaving a good impression in the hearts and minds of all the fans who attended.

While this year seemed like a transition year for the festival, we certainly hoped that we will be back again to have more fun with the great fans of Centerline.



Ain’t No Holdin’ Us Back!

The Saturday might start out dark and grim; but before you know it, the sun worshipers will rule!

When last Saturday began, it was cool, dark and cloudy.  Not the kind of day that anyone would suspect of being a good day for an outdoor event.  I guess that I am guilty of be somewhat pessimistic when it comes to folks and the Michigan weather. I tend to err on the side of people wanting to stay inside and being comfortable, if there is the slightest reason that they might not like it outside.  Well, once again, I have underestimated boaters.

Yes, it was a little cool and windy.  A little dark and dreary.  And yet when we arrived to set up at 5;00 on Saturday, at Bumper’s Landing, we realized that someone forgot to tell the boaters that they shouldn’t be enjoying the day.

Too late.  They were there and they were already happy, no thanks to us.  Bumper’s Landing is a true boater’s haven.  It is quite evident that they feel very much at home as soon as they arrive.

Doing all we can to feed that feeling, carl and I are quick to break out the Jimmy Buffet.  Just the right vibe to get their motor’s running.

Sailing through our first set; it became ever so evident that nothing was about to darken the day for this group.  Just in time for the middle of our set, the sun made it’s appearance.

Now there was no holding back this crowd.  By the second set, it was filled inside and out.  Happy people appeared everywhere.  Men, women, boats and kids.  And, a full pack of dogs, on this night.

Yes, dogs!

Boaters love their canine companions, and Bumper’s does as well.  There were several pooch’s for the evening, in all shapes and sizes.  If you couldn’t feel like you were finally at home before seeing them, I’m sure that did the trick.

We play five hours when we entertain on a Saturday night.  The theory is that we take longer breaks than usual, since we play one hour more than most every other band.  In reality, it never works out that way.

Like one patron told me, “You guys play more than an other band, period!”.

Well, we do what we do.  What we have always done.  Our goal is to “audition” each and every night.  To take nothing for granted.  We never act like anything is owed to us musically.  We treat each and every audience like people that we have never met, and need to win over.

By doing that, we always try and put our best foot forward.  We give all that we have at every show. We try to work as hard as all of the good people that work around us.  From the owner, right down to the bus boy.  They all work incredibly to make everyone else succeed.

Our next set had lots of fun, sing-a-long songs ready and waiting to be joined by the people.  All we had to do was to ignore the fish flies that dropped by early.  No problem, I’m pretty sure that it will get a lot worse before its gets any better. In a week or two, we will be covered with them.

Saturday was a great night.  There was only one thing missing.  Still right on the edge of that break-out night when the weather finally cooperates, and gives us a hot-sweaty summer Saturday.

It’s about to happen; and when it does . . .

Look out!


Take Me Out To The Ball Game

While it was not our first time entertaining at “The cutest little ball-park in America.“, it was probably the best.  The weather was nice and the people were friendly and in a great mood.

It was a actually the forth or fifth time that we have played Jimmy John’s Field, in picturesque Utica Michigan.  However, each time, (but the very first), was marred by some type of natural phenomenon.  Twice it was home to torrential downpours, and once the winds were in excess of fifty miles an hour. While not making it impossible to play, it certainly didn’t make things conducive to good baseball.

On this night however, things went very smooth.

A picturesque setting for our American pastime.  What could be better?  Maybe sharing it with friends, family or your best gal!

Only thing better would be adding some superb music to the whole endeavor.  Plus, a theme.  How about making it Irish Heritage Night?


All we had to do was to entertain the fans before, during and after the baseball fun.  No problem.

From our perch in center field, we could see all of the action, first hand.  And with our intern for the evening, Benny, everything went smooth and by the numbers.

All we had to do was to follow the script.  6:00 to 6:15 play Irish music.

After the second inning, third inning, and then after the fifth.

Then seventh, middle of eight, then it gets a little sketchy from their on out.  Not even extra innings would get us off track on this night.

The weather was perfect.  The people were friendly and fun.  All smiles and cheers and dancing.  Always the way it is at Jimmy John’s Field.  That’s why we keep coming back.

Special thanks to Benny.  He made everything so easy and perfect.  He gave us our cue to begin, when to stop and even told us great stories about all the hardworking people that make the ballpark a great place for family entertainment.

Summer is just beginning.  Make sure that you take in a game or two this year at Jimmy John’s Field.  You’ll be so glad that you did.

We sure hope to be back.  And, maybe next time we’ll have more fans with us.


The Word Is Out

We know that Bumper’s Landing has been around for several years now; however this is the second summer since the total remodel, and we are here to tell you what a success it has been.

Every sign points to great things on the horizon for this, “boater’s paradise”.

It’s the second summer since the new remodel and everywhere we look, we see signs that this will be the break out summer for Bumper’s!

Look inside, look outside.  The docks, the patio the parking lots; everywhere signs are evident that people just can’t stay away.  They are coming back, weekend after weekend.  Any perceived issues with service are a thing of the past.

Bumper’s has found its’ groove and is running on all cylinders.  The recent remodel.  The new improvements.  The things on the horizon all promise to keep Bumper’s at the top spot for enjoying the lake and all it has to offer.

The music is simply another added bonus.  Check out this line-up for June. As the summer unfolds, there will be night after night of great music, echoing throughout the waves.  Make sure that you get a chance to stop by and listen to any or all of them.  You will be so glad that you did.

Our night was fun and exciting, just like always.  You know by now that we can count on one thing for sure, that it is NEVER boring at Bumper’s

The word is out.  The drinks are flowing and the music is in the air.  Just as soon as summer officially arrives, things will be off the hook.

Plan on coming by and checking it out for yourself.  Tell them Bob and or Carl sent them!



Summer In Waiting

Everyone wants it.  But, no-one can do anything about it.

Such is the problem with the weather in Michigan.  While we are all awaiting things to get warm, the cool temps are not about to ruin anyone’s Saturday night around here.

Not at Bumper’s Landing.

Nestled along the mighty Clinton River is Macomb County’s newest, hot-spot.  At this point, it really doesn’t matter that Mother Nature is doing outside, because inside people are enjoying themselves like prisoner’s on their last day.

We can attest to the fun that seems to always manifest itself whenever we are there.  Just like clockwork, we arrive, we set up and we hold on for dear life.

Anything can happen, and usually does.

Playing music is just something that we are lucky enough to be paid to do, during all of the goings on.  We get requests.  We get opinions.  We get suggestions and we get a lot of thanks for doing such a great job.  That’s another bonus of entertaining this group.

Bumper’s give us a place to perform.  A place to entertain and a place to have a creative outlet for our music.

The patrons are always appreciative and fun.  The staff and owner are the best of the best that we have ever encountered.  The venue is ripe for the kind of enjoyment and relaxations that beckons people from all walks of life; not just boat people.

If you are reading this, you might think that I am making all this up.  Not a chance.  We are simply lucky to be able to call Bumper’s Landing our musical home.

Stop by and see what all the fuss is about.  You don’t need to wait until it’s perfect outside; it will be perfect inside, for sure!



Almost Open

So close, and yet, so far.

That would just about describe our Bumper’s experience last Saturday night.

The goal after all, was to celebrate the grand re-openiong of the Tiki bar.  Anything short of that, would mean that summer, was still waiting in the wings.

Everyone was more than ready to kick of our summer season.  Everyone, except Mother Nature herself.  Apparently she decided to throw one more cold-wave our way, just to let everyone know who’s really in charge around here.

So the weather was cool.  Fine, that almost never happens in Michigan.

You’re forgetting that boaters can roll with anything.  These boat people are hearty.  And, happy!

I don’t think that it really matters where the party is; inside or outside.  As long as the party exists, they will be there.

Looking at these photos from that night will show how content these patrons really are.  They do not worry about anything.  That in of itself is a great feeling.

When the Tiki bar is open and summer is in full force, the only difference will be the location of the party.

And that location will be Bumper’s Landing in Harrison Township!

Rain or shine, see you there!


100 Years A Pub

. . . More than that, I believe.

There’s a reason that the Three Blind Mice Irish Pub in downtown Mount Clemens looks and feels so right.  It has been a bar, or pub or speakeasy, gentleman’s gathering place and or music venue for 118 years now.

That means for way more than a century, people have been gathering on this spot to forget the troubles of the ancient world.  We come together, we mourn, we celebrate and we speculate on where we will be in one hundred years or more.

Our job, Carl and I, is to entertain those souls when they gather.  A theme-song of the human experience, so to speak.  To use music to break down the walls that the world builds around us of worry, doubt and dismay.

Paired with just the right adult libation, music can find a way into each heart and mind, freeing it to expel the demons of our modern society.

If but for a short while.

These walls have heard it all.  The exhalation and pathos we all endure in our time and trials on this Earth.  More than not, the folks that gather to share their experiences, do not seek to solve the worlds’ problems from the glistening edge of their favorite glass; they only attempt to share in the knowledge that their common thoughts and wishes can be auditioned.

We set the mood.  We begin slowly and carefully.  Not too loud, not too timidly.  We break the ice.  We become the focus in the room from the very first chord.  By coming forward to offer our musical illusions, it allows the patrons to relax and  express their inner feelings and phobias.  This process of people sharing and finding common ground in others is why people are inherently gregarious in the first place.

After all, people need people.  (I believe someone said that in a song.)

We gather in groups to share and to like; (and to hate, unfortunately).  But, if there is song involved, that gathering can be glorious.  They gathered together in the 1800’s to hear a man called Lincoln.

They gathered right here in Mount Clemens to hear a man Called Kennedy.  They gathered in Woodstock New York to pay tribute to the electric musical gods of their time.

They gather here and there, far and wide; all over the world.  Music is the new religion of our age.  Music is the tonic that soothes our souls.  It enlightens, it uplifts.

Music breaks down barriers and brings people closer together.  Music is the universal langue that we all respond to.  It can bridge the gaps between us all.  It can inspire us, unite us or ignite us, as it can be a catalyst for great change and hope.

Music is that important, and as such, we take is very seriously.

When a venue that has been such an significant gathering place for so long marries with music that has been the voice of generations, the results are awe-inspiring.

People that come through those venerable doors to lose their troubles and cares, are almost saying . . . “Take away my troubles, for a while.  Let me lose myself in song, and let me be renewed!”

We talked to many of the people that came into the Three Blind Mice last Friday night.  We thanked them for arriving, and let them know that they were welcome, and able to hear whatever kind of music made them happy.

That is our job.  We play the music, they feel good.

Friends from far away came to see us.  They talked and listened and felt better when they left.  Pretty simple.  It works.

As soon as one big group finished for the night, another came to take their place.  It worked out very well.

So many people need comfort and care And and place that they feel good.  A place that they can express themselves and the joy they feel for living.

Music helps that process.  It has for a year, or a decade or a century and more.

People, music and time.


Instant Party

Everything seemed to be pointing to a very slow night at Bumper’s Landing, in Harrison Township.

After all, it was thirty degrees, with a twenty five mile an hour wind, that made it feel like about ten degrees, when we arrived for the night.

“Normal” people probably wouldn’t even venture out for the evening.  But, we all know by now, these are not normal people.  Even better; they’re boaters!

As I’ve mentioned on several occasions, boaters don’t care about stuff like that.  The weather, the temperature, the wind or the wake or the time of day really don’t get in the way of as good party.  On this night, they were going to party, no matter what.

One of those things that we can always seem to count on there; they know how to have a good time.

So as Carl and I were shivering while setting up our gear, the crowd that had already arrived got louder and louder.  Nothing better that walking in to an instant party.

Just add music!

With things so crazy, as the eight O’clock hour rolled around, it was obvious that we were not about to begin this night, musically, with anything other than party music.

No problem at all.

Wagon Wheel” started things off.  Then some Neal Young, and Dylan and Chesney.  The hits just kept coming, one after the other, until an hour had passed and it was time to officially greet the crowd.

During our breaks, we try and go out and interact with the people to find out how they are doing.  We attempt to get their suggestions on music and how the entertaining was interpreted through their eyes.

That’s all part of trying to keep everyone happy.

The second set began with us doing our best to keep the tempo and energy up at the high level we began with.  It was pretty easy to do, considering how everyone was feeling.  Gals were dancing, and by now, even the guys got out on the floor to shake a leg!

Seems like the dregs of winters’ cold winds did little to dampen the spirits of anyone who was on hand, this Saturday night.  It was a very happy group of people.  Thank god for boaters!

The next set was more of the same, with several slow songs thrown in for good measure.  It was becoming apparent that they were enjoying cuddling up on this cold windy night as well as dancing to the up-tempo tunes.

This fun group really was entertaining themselves, if that makes an sense.

Pretty soon, we were playing our last set, and finishing up the night.  The smiles were still on everyone’s faces.

Even as people were leaving for the night, the comments were all wonderful.  They were happy, and ready to come back when the weather would cooperate.


The Big Game

Thinking that Bumper’s Landing is  a “boat bar” just doesn’t make sense any more.  There are too many facets to it.  True, some people show up only in the summer when the weather is hot and sticky.  They sit by the water and feel cooler just by being there.

Some people come for the food.  (When your tummy nudges you and tells you that it needs pub food, you really have no choice but to obey.)

There are the drinks.  Yes, the drinks.  Served good and cold, and refreshing and so plenty. Yes, the drinks!  Some come to Bumper’s for that.

There are those that even venture out for the music.  On the weekend, the line-up is outstanding and vibrant.  Part of the setting besides the water and sun and booze and music, is the total vibe.  Bumper’s owns it!

With all that being said, why would you stop by in late March to a bar that brags about the sun?

The big game.

Whether it’s baseball, football or hockey, the big gamer is always on.  People like it, and they like people.  In fact, they do everything they can do to make them happy.

On this particular Saturday night, the big game was of course, basketball.  The university of Michigan was on and vying for a ticket to the national championship game.  Our job was to amp up the excitement level, and entertain the folks during breaks.

We began hot right out of the gate, since the bar was full and getting ready to burst.  Since there was nothing to hold back on this evening, we didn’t even try to ease into anything.  We take our cue from the people, and the people were ready to party.

When a big game is on, everyone’s attention is riveted to the screens.  They live and die with every shot, goal or basket.  To try and play music is just too distracting for the patrons, and does not really add anything.

On this night, the game was back and forth, with many great plays keeping everyone on the edge of their seats.  The boys from Michigan were in it, and people were very optimistic for the second have.  As soon as halftime arrived, Carl and I began anew, launching some of our best up-tempo classics their way.  Most people were still too wrapped up in the game’s outcome to truly let themselves go, just yet.

As the second half began to unfold, it seemed more clear that this night was going to be very enjoyable.  The baskets were dropping and the cheering became a never-ending exclamation point on a night destined for a big, party.

The crowd counted down the win, as the final buzzer sent the boys from Ann Arbor to the national title game.  It was a perfect night for everyone.

Now Carl and I could relax, let loose and lead the happy crowd in song.

On a night that was more about sports than music, we we’re happy to let the people be the show.  It happens more nights than you might know.  After all, we are there for the people, Our job is to entertain them.  To let them find their “happy place”, right here for a few hours.

It was another great crowd.  Most of them nearly exhausted because of so much adrenaline  being spent.  The relief, the elation and the worries, all washing over the patrons as the night few to it’s conclusion.

Another fun time at Bumper’s for us all.  Just another way to enjoy the spring, the fellowship and the fun that is this amazing venue.
