
Twenty One, Once More . . .

Ah, to be 21 again, what would that be like?

What would you do and think if you could roll back the clock and have another shot at your twenty first birthday celebration?

Or, in other words . . .

What would you do, if you knew then what you know now?

That would certainly be an interesting proposition, to be sure.  Sometimes I think that I could change a lot of mis-steps in my life.

Chances are, I would find another way to get it all wrong. ;(

In the end however, no matter how my musical career evolved, I know for sure that I have enjoyed each and every show that I have played. (honestly, some more than others)

But each one has been rewarding in some way or another.

Ah to be 21 again . . .      the possibilities are nearly endless!

Bumper’s Landing is lucky to be a party destination on lots of Saturday nights, and this night was no exception.  By 8:00 the bar was filled with young party-goers bent on making this night super-special for one of their own.

As we played to this group of vibrant young people, we felt many emotions during the long evening.  Calm, care and protectiveness.  Optimism, patience and potential.  Fun, frivolity and festiveness!

While they sat and chatted with each other and their phones during our first two attempts at reaching through to them, the alcohol eventually broke through those barriers and let us reach them with rhythm, rhyme and eventually song.

By the third set, they were fully enguaged and virtually part of the band!

Each oldie we offered was another excuse to sit in and join us for a dance, a song or a drink.  Sometimes, all three at once!

The birthday party was not the ONLY thing going on that night; but it was the most interesting, to say the least.

While there were lots of other patrons at Bumper’s that night, they didn’t seem to mind being part of a larger voyeuristic experience.

They watched the goings on’s with the same fascination, awe and intent that we did, captivated at every turn.

Eventually, the crescendo of the night arrived and swept everyone up into a maelstrom of musical magic.

Looking on at the ritualistic enchantment was a young couple who did all they could to take it all in from afar and not become scarred for life.  They witnessed they entire gamut of craziness, as we did, with a smile on their faces and delight in the youthfulness on display.

For an evening that began so quietly with calm detachment, it was certainly a delight to enjoy the honest enthusiasm and genuine affection these Millennials had for us, in the end.

The music of course is the message, and it still resonates as much today as it did when these songs were first written.

That is why the music is what has always been important.  No matter what we think of ourselves, whatever age we have become, it is the music that is timeless.

We realize the music is the message.

The music is the time machine that returns us to our youth, by simply hearing its magic.


Miles Of Smiles

Nothing is better than playing in a club that has a happy staff.

Well possibly, a warm atmosphere, great location and mouth watering food.

The Good News: All of that can be experienced at Miles On The Water in historic Mount Clemens Michigan.

Seems that one day I received a message from Danielle, who used to be the general manager at The Three Blind Mice Irish Pub in downtown Mount Clemens.  We had worked for her for more than five years, and now were being asked to be part of the musical line-up at Miles on the water.

Excited, we showed up early on Friday evening.  Finding out just where we were to set up our gear, we eased into our first night by getting everything just right and still having time to sample the food before we started.

(Spoiler alert:  Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm!)

With the onset of winter, we knew that this evening was going to be sparse.  As the seven O’clock hour rolled around, we found it a bit slow to say the least.

Undaunted, Carl and I did all that we could to bring the night to life.  After each musical offering, we received a good ovation from the enthusiastic patrons.

We enguaged with the table of guys to our right, playing request after request until they gave up, crying “Uncle!”

Right before our last set, a wonderful group of people dropped by for a late dinner.  They were celebrating a 70th birthday and were nice enough to share it with us.

The fun was all around now, as each musical number we chose got them singing, dancing and shouting with delight.

So much fun, so many great memories!

As the clock hit eleven, we did one more tune and then packed our gear to fade into the night.

One more “Thank you!” to the staff, one more “Have a good night!” to the guests, as this evening came to a smooth end.

Carl and I hope to be back, as we really enjoyed our time here.  The staff was wonderful, the acoustics were warm and boisterous, and Danielle was a sweet as can be.

If you are going through Mount Clemens, rounding the bend right before you enter the freeway, resist the urge to pass up this little treasure.  Spend an hour or two at Miles on The Water.

You’ll be so glad you did!




The Big Game

Yes, well, it was supposed to be a big game all right, but when the final whistle blew and the dust settled, it was simply another Detroit sports disappointment.

Carl and I were looking forward to another big night at Bumper’s Landing this fall, however, the current sports reality put a damper on those thoughts.

Many people stayed home to watch the game, and were disappointed privately, (while we, fortunately were able to actually see the disappointment up close and personal).

The game didn’t exactly play out the way numerous bartenders and restaurant proprietors had hoped that it would: a momentous victory for the local home sports team.

What we saw in reality was the waning sense of optimism that most Detroit sports fans are experiencing, no matter which one of their favorite teams takes to the field of battle.

Meanwhile here at Bumper’s the optimism always runs high.

Life is good here, (bordering on great!), and yet when regular people stumble into this respite from the troubling world, they sometimes bring their fears and disappointments with them.

So the game was on, and the faithful were watching their grid-iron heroes struggle mightily in Happy Valley.

Carl and I felt their pain, and what was worse, was the fact that we couldn’t entertain when our regular time rolled around, (so we wouldn’t cause a distraction or be more of a nuisance than usual).  Nope, we were relegated to sitting on the bench, watching all the misery play out in front of us from the sidelines.

We were ready to play but did not wish disturb the palpable tension in the air.

As half-time approached, it was evident that the game had already taken a turn for the worse.  Time for us to swoop in and rescue the night with song!

We jumped right into it with some Jimmy Buffet, urging everyone to leave the stadium of grief and find that destination of relief that was located somewhere near a place called Margaritaville.

We blasted the tune, the vibe and the positive attitude with song, rhythm and musical optimism.

And . . . it worked!

Just as half-time ended, and we put the instruments back away for a while, the boys in maize and blue began playing with a different attitude and new-found resolution.

We stood by and watched it all unfold in front of us, as the game entered the fourth quarter, and approached its ultimate conclusion.

The home-town boys came all the way back and were poised to make history, when it suddenly all fell away, just like the pass that tumbled to the turf.

The game was over; time for some of the faithful to head out into the uncertain night.

The hearty ones that stayed were lucky enough to have Bob and Carl close at hand to rescue the evening.

Our music picked up right where we had left off, fast-paced and optimistic.  There would be another “Big” game soon.  Ok, maybe not soon, (work with me), I’m trying hard to be very optimistic.

In other words,  the sun also rises, (to quote Hemingway), and Detroit fans will cheer  once again.

In the mean time, Carl and I will play the songs, the melodies and rhythms that are the  soundtrack to the music of their lives.






The Chilling Night! – Halloween at Bumper’s Landing

Saturday night was bone chilling, in more ways than one!

The Bumper’s Landing Halloween Party had to be moved up this year, to allow for some seawall work to be done in October.  That meant the annual fright-fest would be on the last weekend of September. (September 28th, to be blunt)

The trouble with that is the pesky Michigan weather does not always cooperate.  Case in point; when Carl and I arrived at Bumper’s Landing around 5:00, it was in the 60’s temperature wise, and dropping.  The skies were dark grey and threatening a scary rainstorm.  As it happened, none was forthcoming, and yet the weather was dismal enough to keep many potential party-goers in their humble abodes.

Undeterred by the gloomy outlook we chose to set up outside and brave the elements.  We were scheduled to entertain from 6 to 11:00 Pm, and somehow were confident that we would make it through the night without being drenched.

We held out as long as we could to determine if the clouds would open up or not, but eventually began our setup.

One thing we noticed right away, though there weren’t  many patrons at the Tiki Bar as of yet, the ones that were there all were having a great time.  Consequently, the staff at Bumper’s were having a blast as well.  I think it just might be contagious; like a deadly virus!

It was pretty dreary outside, but everyone was working as hard as they could to fight off the dire feeling and put on a scary face.

Our opening set of music was laced with Halloween favorites throughout.

One might of thought that it was indeed the Season Of The Witch, after surviving our first song.  Donovan himself would find no reason to roll over in his grave after hearing it.  (Well, technically, he’s not dead.)

We did several more creepy hits during our first set.  One of the best was our version of, I Put A Spell On You!  

Ghastly! was the response from the tomb of the Tiki hut.

During our first exploration of the night, we saw several costumes that were a lot less gruesome than in past years.  It appears as though, people were going with better themed outfits than just relying on sex and gore.

I guess there’s always next year!

Our eyes beheld the eerie sight of creepy cowgirls, an unsettling woman-man; and three blind mice.  (who’s job it was get everyone drinks).

There were ladies of the night, creatures of the night and even knights of the round table. (or, long bar in this case.).

We witnessed beaus with fros, striking a jaunty pose while sipping their Stroh’s.

There was an old man with a young woman, a young man with a ferocious cougar and we even ran into Daddy’s lil’ monster!

There were angels, demons, dragons and queens all being examined closely by two mad scientists of little or no actual moral character.

Ah, we love Halloween!

Our second set was more dance oriented, since everyone was doing what they could to keep warm.  It wasn’t that cold (around 52), but with the wind bellowing, it sent a chill through the dockside revelers, like a lost night on the moors.

Inside was getting busier as well, as the darkness seemed to call all spooks and ghosts to come a gobblin’ some grisly grub.

Peeps were terrorizing each other and scaring themselves out of their wits, (and that was just with their dance moves).

As the night wore on, the heartiest demons braved the elements and turned the night into another bloodcurdling Bumper’s memory.

We blasted our last few songs loud enough to wake the dead, or at the very least rattle their graves!

They may limp a bit, dress funny, have a lot of scars and extra teeth, but these zombies, spooks and lost souls still know how to have a wicked good time!

Once again we need to tip our hats to the frightful staff at Bumper’s, for working so diligently to make sure that all of their wonderful customers could have such a great time.

The grim reaper himself couldn’t kill this party!


‘Ya Gotta Have Art!

Absolutely, you do!

It is everywhere we want to look in our lives.

Art is what separates work from joy, happy from sad, mundane from magnifico!

Art very much defines who we are as individuals.

Could we even imagine a world without art?

No thank you!  We see it, we feel it and we taste it.  In all aspects of our living, art is what gives so many of us joy.  Some will say that there is no life without art.  No living without it.

Imagine for a moment, a day bereft of anything creative or the very hint of beauty.  A life without song.  No musicals, no melodies, no sounds other than those created by machines or friction.  How dreary!

I can imagine someone right at this very moment, watching a musical or play and being moved to tears by the art of song married with story.  It is what defines our humanity.

So when Carl and I were asked to entertain at the fiftieth anniversary of the Anton Art Center’s gala fundraiser event in downtown Mount Clemens, we were beyond honored.

We were a little skeptical really.

It seemed to us that events like this are used to entertainment that was a bit more “background music” than we are.  We may not be any good, but we don’t think of ourselves as elevator music either.

We aren’t exactly head-banging loud, but then again we do want to play with enough volume to be heard.

So it was with some skepticism that we met with two lovely ladies from the art center last spring when they approached us about entertaining at their event.

The two of them met us at The Three Blind Mice to listen and discuss how our music would fit their event.  They were so nice that after a short while we felt as kindred spirits discussing music, art and the city of Mount Clemens.

That evening flew by, and they ended up listening to us again at Bumper’s Landing a month later before making the final decision to hire us for their event.

Once secured, we then needed to simply wait until September to make it a reality.  All summer they prepared, connected with people and tended to the fine details of putting an event this size on.

When Thursday, September 26th finally arrived, everything was ready.  All Carl and I needed to do was to show up, dress up, (be magnificent) and above all else don’t forget to be on our very best behavior!

Honestly, most of that was pretty easy to do.

For an event like this, we really needed to arrive early so that we could find our way in, navigate to the stage, and set up while the sound company had time to work with us.

In past events, the sound had been too loud near the entertainers, and not able to be heard at the places in the long tent.

This year, with the addition of Mad Habit Creative, all the sound issues could be dealt with by tapping into our sound output and spreading the sound to the other parts of the tent with the addition of satellite speakers.

Many of the restauranteurs were also arriving with the best of their fare to be sampled by tonights’ guests.  Macomb County was well represented as the best and brightest entrepreneurs lined up to support this worthy cause.

When it was truly time to kick off the event, we eased ourselves into the evening by playing some well loved first set favorites.  You know, some Jimmy Buffet, Smokey Robinson and some Otis Redding.

Right from the beginning we had many people stop by and tell us how much they enjoyed our sound.

The art of performance, at work.

We mixed it up significantly during our inaugural set at the Art Fair Fundraiser; playing folk, pop, rock and country favorites.

After only a few songs we received plenty of congratulations from both vendors and patrons of the arts in attendance.  For all the angst we had about “fitting in”, we seemed to have delighted everyone within earshot.

After the first set, we had only a very few moments to chat with the guests and find out if they were enamored with our music.  All good there.  They were delighted and offered several suggestions that might make their evening even better.

Our second set was as eclectic as the first but with music that might be danced to.  It was really packed at this point, and we dare not slow things down, just yet.

Able to play several patrons’ requests, Carl and I felt even better about our invitation to entertain at the Art Centers’ fiftieth gala event.

Our third set kind of whirled past us, as the nights’ tempo and energies melded into a crescendo of musical moments.

We sang everyone’s favorites.  We played all the classic music that let everyone feel special.  And above and beyond it all, we not only played everyone’s special song, but performed music from nearly every genres.

Our music is our art.  We never try and upstage the melodies.  We don’t try and outshine the song by overshadow the words or structure to show everyone how talented we are.

To us, it’s never about that.  We stay true to our music.  To our art.

In that way, we know that our performances with endure.  Maybe someday, we will have a 50th anniversary . . .

(  . . . honestly, it will be here sooner than you think!)


When The Rain Comes

Most times when a good old fashioned, Michigan rain sweeps in and flexes its muscle, it puts a damper on any party.

Not so at Bumper’s Landing.

Nope, those folks just step back for a moment until it passes and then go back about their business of partying like there’s no tomorrow.

Pretty awesome if you ask me.

Saturday was just that kind of night out in Harrison Township.

When we drove up, the parking lot was mostly filled, with only a few spots to be found.  We selected ours and proceeded to unload and set up without much fanfare.

However, as we took the stage at 6:00 to begin our first set, we began to notice the sky getting darker and clouds beginning to gather.

We played each song looking over our shoulders as the clouds approached from behind.  Around 7:15 the sprinkles began and brought out the tarps we had waiting in the wings to protect our musical gear.

By 7:30 the rain hit us in full force, scattering the customers and sending most everyone running somewhere.

Most of them went inside, or back to their boats, but a fair amount simply backed into the Tiki bar to wait it out.

A few gathered under our pavilion to share a pizza and a few more brews.

That’s the way it’s done!

Doing our best to be patient, we scrutinized the weather maps and hoped that the storm would pass.  The prevailing thought was to wait until the rain broke, then move everything inside in case another storm returned.

We decided however, to wait a few more moments and hope that we would be in the clear from that point on.

That’s exactly what we did.

The storm passed, the fine staff dried the tables and the night blossomed into another amazing evening-by-the-water.

Our second set was mostly dance music, since everyone was ready to party after that brief intermission.

The cast of characters on this night was something to behold.  Some were drunk, some were full of energy.  Some were eating, some were chatting.  Some were taking pictures.  Some were dancing all around, with anyone or anything in any way that was possible.


Everyone was happy.

We were happy because we survived the rain.  The patrons were happy because they were at an amazingly fun party-clubhouse.

The Bumper’s faithful make it so much fun.

We knew, (well we hoped), the rain would pass, but we were not so sure that the people would stay outside.  Well, they sure did!

It was full again, as we began our third set.  More dancing music, and lots and lots of requests to get to.  The 80’s seemed to be the thing on this particular Saturday.

Everything 80’s was met with dancing feet and thunderous applause.

Funny how something as simple as music can bring people who have never met each other together as one.

Next up on this interesting night was a young woman who wished to delight her friends and fans with her rendition of the classic, 4 Non Blonds hit, What’s Up?

Perfectly done and artfully sung, it was just the right touch at just the right time.  Now it was a a party!

At this point of the night, anything goes.  everyone was on-board with the entire evening.  The food had settled, the alcohol had worked its magic, and the time was right to bring this party to its’ inevitable conclusion.

Time to unleash our musical “Kraken“.  The dance floor was filled, the night air was clear and without any type of moisture.

Before anyone knew it, the unmistakable sounds of The Village People were bellowing out of our speakers with Carl suggested that everyone visit their local YMCA.

No better song could wrap up this day that had so many different looks.  As we finished, there were shouts of “Encore!” raining down upon us.  The only rain we felt for the rest of our night.



If the Rain comes
They run and hide their heads
They might as well be dead
If the Rain comes
If the Rain comes
When the sun shines
They slip into the shade
And sip their lemonade
When the sun shines
When the sun shines
Rain, I don’t mind
Shine, The weather’s fine
I Can show you
That when it starts to Rain
Everything’s the same
I Can show you
I Can show you
Rain, I don’t mind
Shine, The weather’s fine
Can you hear me?
That when it rains and shines
It’s just a state of mind
Can you hear me?
Can you hear me?

An Unexpected Party

Yes, we know that it is always busy at Bumper’s Landing.  And yet, Sometimes, it still surprises us when we have a night like last night.

Don’t get me wrong, it was fairly busy when we arrived (around five O’clock).  It had already turned into a beautiful afternoon, and the boats were beginning to come in from the lake to jockey for position at the docks.

Unloading and setting up was simple and easy, since someone was kind enough to save us the right parking spot, near the fence.

Right from the start we could tell how friendly the nights’ crowd was.  Cordial, kind and helpful, it was a breeze getting ready to play.

We even had some time in the van for a special, pre-gig show of our own to get the blood really pumping!

Carl changed his shirt and we soon made our way to the pavilion to find out how much the crowd enjoyed classic oldies and country.

The answer: (Spoiler alert), LOTS!

It was another Jimmy Buffett beginning.  A perfect way to start the evening officially. The crowd cheered after each song was offered and executed.  Dock Of The Bay, Peaceful easy Feeling and even, I Love This Bar, jumped out of our speakers and found their way to the unsuspecting patrons.

Each one met with cheers and unbridled adulation.

The boats now were settled in for the night and the unloaded patrons now were beginning to mass on the deck.


It was our job to welcome them in with song, and by now, we were getting quite good at it.

Our second set was comprised of more country tunes than the first set.  Since we had several tables engaged in a request bidding war, the fun was really starting to ratchet up to a whole new level.

There were shouts of, “Elvis, The Beatles!” and some shouts of , “No Beatles, No Elvis!”. What followed was an entire discussion on the merits of the two most popular acts in the history of modern music.  (One in which I personally took part of, but did not win.)

That’s ok, I think that Elvis has done all right for himself up to this point, even without my help.

It was all in good fun, and good fun it was.

The sun was setting now and the football game was nearing the fourth quarter. All around us signs of autumn approaching could not ignored.

The deck was full as well as inside the bar.  Happy faces chatting, drinking and sampling fun food, like there was no tomorrow.

Who needs tomorrow when there was a day like this at hand!

Well, no matter.

It just seemed to get even better from there.

I can’t emphasis enough how well these people seem to get along.  Like minds, alcohol and nautical hearts must be the key to it all.

As the sun finally set on this classic summer afternoon, no-one seemed to mind.  In fact, they gathered together even closer, exploring the effects of music, laughter and booze on the psych.

Not many days left like this, I thought to my self as I closed the guitar cases on another amazing night.

Soon we would be moving inside at Bumper’s for a whole other experience.  Crazy-fun, but different.

The good news: Although it’s true; there is nothing quite like a Michigan summer.  Autumn is knocking on the door; and that is amazing in and of itself!

We will be here through all the seasons.  Playing, observing and sharing the diagnosis with you.  Stay right there . . .




Attack Of The Killer Tambourines!

. . . . Alright, well that might be a little bit more hype than I originally intended.

We survived though, (Spoiler alert!)

Honesty, last night was one of the best evening that we have ever had, at Bumper’s Landing. (or anywhere else)

We are supposed to be working, playing music and entertaining people.  However, last night it seemed as though the people were entertaining us!

Let’s begin at the beginning, shall we.

Early as usual, Bumper’s Landing, (our destination) was hopping all ready.  In fact, there were no parking spaces, and because of the way someone parked his truck, we couldn’t even unload our gear the way we usually do, through the patio gate.

On top of that, the clouds were rolling in and it looked as though we shouldn’t be playing outside in the first place, since if it cooled dramatically, everyone would run inside.

We were in a quandary all right, and after talking to the managers at Bumper’s, it was still unclear as to where we should set up: in or outside.

As it sometimes happens, divine intervention made the choice clear enough that even we could see it.

It was decided by committee that the best advice was to play inside to stave off the cold, but there were no parking spots anywhere to unload.  And just as we went to the van to try and figure it our, a guy approached us seemingly from nowhere and asked if we could move our band so that he could move his truck.

That was the truck that was blocking our way.  He moved it, and we decided to set up outside and take our chances on the Michigan weather.

We thought that if it got colder, we would move our gear inside to accommodate the people.

We took that as a sign and ran with it.  We set up outside and had twenty people ask when we were going to be ready to play.  Seemed as though they were hungry to be entertained all right.

It was Courtney’s birthday, and was evident that the celebration was going to be fun for everyone involved.

Brad was even in the house, front and center as we shot out the first song.  Talk about up-tempo, we began the night with Kokomo, by the Beach Boys and really never looked back.

Courtney grabbed the Tamborine and started what was to be the first in a long line of amazing tambourine solos that evening.

When we talk about how people were at Bumper’s Landing, we are not just making that up.  We see it week in and week out, first hand, up and personal.  They love the place and enjoy coming back over and over again.

The weather seemed to cooperate and turn simply perfect right as the first set ended.  The wind died and the temperature stetted into a a range where you could sit and listen and still feel comfortable, or even get out and dance the night away without getting too warm.

It was just that kind of a night.

With the patio full, the football game on in the Tiki everyone had something to enjoy.  The drinks seemed to be working their magic on the happy crowd.

Since the first set was enjoyed by everyone, Carl and I thought that we were not going to back down at at all when we began to play again.  We began with some Van Morrison and kicked it up from there.  During our first break, we did have the chance to talk to lots of people and get several suggestions for music as well.

Courtney was really putting on a show at this point, but beginning to fade a bit as the sun started to set.

All good since another top-notch player took up the instrument seemingly right on queue.

Jody was now manning the Tamborine and looked like another natural musician, born to play the part.  She even asked her husband if she could join the band.  (I would imagine, that he said, no.)

The take-away from last night that I will probably remember always, was how happy everyone seemed to be.  From the staff, to the customers and everyone in between, there was just an aura of contentment and enjoyment that we are not accustomed to seeing at some other venues.

Song after song was met with rabid enthusiasm as the night began to wind down.  At that point, when it seemed as though the dancers needed a rest,  we slipped in some slow numbers to give everyone a break.

They loved them too!

On a night when it could have taken a turn for the worse, the stars aligned, the weather cooperated and what might have been just another good night at Bumper’s Landing turned into one of the best we have very had in our five years there.

Our last set was a short one of just twenty five minutes, and alas, Jody was gone.  Who was going to play the Tamborine? (you might be thinking)

No worries, another talented woman stepped right in to pick up the slack!

It was a very, very good night.

Loading our gear and heading home, Carl and I couldn’t stop smiling.  This is why we have honed our craft for that last nearly fifty years; so that we could be right here, among the amazing staff, the smiling faces and the tambourines  of the Gods!

Oh, and because of you!



Sunday Mornin’ Comin’ Down

After already playing twice this weekend, it was hard for us to look forward to the hour and a half drive out to Hartland Michigan to play in the rain for a group of Rv campers.

We were already tired, feelin’ lonely and a bit worn down from entertaining at several events that week.  However, the day turned into a really pleasant experience for everyone involved.

I don’t think that the campers knew that we were going to be entertaining for the afternoon,  and we certainly didn’t know if we could even play, since the rain had been forecast for the entire day.

As it turned out, the rain stopped halfway through our drive, and never returned.

We arrived at the Taylor Beach Campground with minimal issues, right on time.  (and, as usual, a wee bit early, actually.)

The rain had just stopped that hour, and people were in the process of coming out of hiding.  Like startled Munchkins after a passing witch, one by one we watched them poke their heads out from their recreational homesteads, venture down to the beach, look around to settle in and reclaim the day.

Before we knew it, the beach was alive with activity.

Setting up was quick and easy and before we knew it 1:30 was upon us, and time to fire up our instruments and make some beaconing, island music.

Of course Jimmy Buffett was up to the task.

It was not long before both Carl and I had sung two or three Caribbean-style musical offerings, and we were ready to expand our musical horizons.

Time for some, good ‘Ol time country music; a hit, all right!

Now the floodgates opened up and the people that were gathering became more and more vocal with their many song requests.

We had three ladies right in front of us who were not the least bit shy about their musical desires or expectations.

As always, that was great news for Carl and I as we love to have women tell us what to do.  (It works out better that way.)

We played rock, folk rock, country and more island tunes; right up until our our first break.  It was time to go meet more interesting people who were indigenous to the Taylor Family campground.

Sometimes meeting new People can be one of the best aspects of our profession.  We get unbiased feedback, encouragement and a chance to show strangers what we are capable of.  (Ok, stop.  I know what you’re thinking . . . .)

Our next set was more of the same with requests now pouring in from all points of the compass.  Lots of the suggestions were of country music, as it must hold a very special place in the hearts and minds of recreational vacationers.

A very special thanks to the kind man and outstanding photographer who offered to snap some amazing pictures of the event.  It was very much appreciated!

It was a very pleasant afternoon.  The pace was slow and extremely laid-back.  A casual summer Sunday, you might say.

It was an afternoon where each and every song we played seemed to fit it to a tee.  It was a day where the music was not just heard, but listened to.

Carl and I worried for a week about this gig.  The weather was forecast as being cold, wet and rainy.  We thought that people would not be there, and it was on the verge of being cancelled all together.

We are so glad that even at this time in our lives, where we sometimes believe that we have seen it all, we are still occasionally pleasantly surprised.

We will be back at camp on October 26th for the big Chili Cook-off.  Nothing will dampen our spirits until then!



A Change Is Gonna’ Come

We all knew it was coming.

We realize that before we know it, the weather will cool and it will be time to put away the summer toys and put up holiday decorations.

It’s funny how something as simple as a few degrees cooler on the thermometer can signal all of that and more.

“You know, it’s Labor Day weekend . . .” one regular customer said to me last night at Bumper’s Landing.  “It gets rainy after Labor Day.” he said.  And with the rain comes changes in all aspects of life here in Michigan.

We do put away most of our summer toys.  And with them quiet contemplation, relaxation and the slower pace that seems to renew our spirit.

We stow our travel, our vacations and our inhibitions along with our bathing suits, pool toys and flip-flops.

But more than that, our entire persona changes as back-to-school takes center stage.

Can holiday madness be far behind?

After Labor Day, we begin the rush of everything that comes with a Michigan fall and winter.  It happens so fast, we hardly can take a breath.

We shift our focus from flip-flops to football, our attention from potlucks to pumpkins and our thoughts from golf, gladiolas and glamping to ghosts, giblets and garland.

Oh, it happens fast all right, somehow turning on a dime some years.  That transition when it’s eighty nine one day and sixty two the next, with storm clouds hovering and the threat of winter winds on the horizon.

That was how it seemed last night, as college football took center stage and people chose to sit inside in stead of by the water.

It was sunny, but there was a message in the wind that seemed to make everything about ten degrees cooler in the soul.  The message was . . .  “Enjoy it while you can, because a change is gonna’ come.”

We were outside, Carl and I.  And to be honest, the folks who sat outside with us seemed not to notice a thing as the evening got cooler.  They loved it, and made sure that we got their favorite request to help them enjoy it even more.

Remember, boater are hearty, happy and healthy drinkers; so nothing like a few dips in the old thermometer will really rattle their cages too terribly.

They did what they always do, had fun!

Our first and second sets were a collection of songs that we don’t play all that often.  On this particular evening, we thought that we might just do some more eclectic type of songs.  You know, songs that we think are great, but maybe don’t get as much play as the more popular music.

The response was positive.  Then again, these people seem to love most anything or everything that we play.

We played more sets and more songs, but couldn’t help thinking how this summer soon will pass for good.  It will soon be gone.   Another wonderful warm memory of pleasant days and nights that could have been.

Soon the sun set, and with it most of the people who occupied the deck.  They came inside at this point to get warm and enjoy the evening glow that had settled on Bumper’s.

We finished to a few hearty souls and realized as we packed up our gear just how important it is to have someone who is always there for us.  Someone we can always trust, no matter what.

For those of you who love anniversaries and celebrate them often, remember August 31st, 2019.  There is defiantly a change in the wind.  It’s not just coming; it is here.


I was born by the river in a little tent
Oh and just like the river I’ve been running ev’r since
It’s been a long time, a long time coming
But I know a change gonna come, oh yes it will

It’s been too hard living, but I’m afraid to die
‘Cause I don’t know what’s up there, beyond the sky
It’s been a long, a long time coming
But I know a change gonna come, oh yes it will

I go to the movie and I go downtown
Somebody keep tellin’ me don’t hang around
It’s been a long, a long time coming
But I know a change gonna come, oh yes it will

Then I go to my brother
And I say brother help me please
But he winds up knockin’ me
Back down on my knees, oh

There have been times that I thought I couldn’t last for long
But now I think I’m able to carry on
It’s been a long, a long time coming
But I know a change is gonna come, oh yes it will